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Blues & Classic Rock Amps: Gimme a Hand


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I've read tons of the threads, have played a number of them but wanted to get some additional opinion. Here are some requirements:


Must be a tube amp

Must be no more than 30-40 watts

Should have a speaker cab extension

Combo amp

Channel switchable

Must do killer cleans and dirty up nice

Great, throaty blues tone with P90s a must

Less than $700.00 (prefer under $600 and don't say save and get x and x)

Let's pretend this is for a new amp at this point

I don't want to build it


Looking at:


Peavey Classic 30

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe

Fender Blues Deluxe

Epiphone Blues Custom 30

Vox AC15CC

Vox AC30CC with Neodog speaker ($699)


Any other Fenders in this range I should consider? Anything else? I am pretty un-educated about Fender amps other than the expensive ones I play at GC.

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Out of that list, personally (remember this stuff is all subjective), I'd go with the Peavey Classic 30. I'd also like to humbly suggest the Crate V-Series - I believe they're called the Palominos in the States...? The ones I've heard sounded great for blues, and they tend to run a little cheaper due to, well, being Crates.

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The AC30CC likes P90s, and just generally sounds great imho. Gorgeous, chimey cleans and raunchy drive tones. The switchable/blendable normal channel adds a lot.


Hot Rod does great cleans. And, um... the less clean it gets, the less great it gets. Not a strong play unless you plan to either play very, very loud or invest in a few good drive pedals to go with it.

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The Ampeg R12R Reverberocket II's are great sounding amps. I used to have one and loved it. I would grab another one of those before a Classic 30 or a Hot Rod Deluxe which I have also had. They are about the same build quality. I have also heard good things about the new Kustom Coupe series but have yet to see or play one. I gotta be honest though, the Fender Supersonic rips all of these amp big time but it is a bit more expensive - well worth it though IMHO.

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Originally posted by curseoftruth

Channel switchable



Out of curiosity, why limit yourself to channel switching amps in this case? Because there are alot of non-channel switchers that are good for these kinds of music at that amp size. Two overdrive pedals (or even one really) and a single channel amp (or non-channel switcher) will produce some awesome tones.


I'm looking for an amp with fairly similar intentions to replace my Recto once I sell it...I've been thinking about a used Deluxe Reverb.

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I'd reccomend the AC30CC. Really, really good tone, especially with P90s. One thing I will say though is there's no footswitchable channel switching without an AB box. There're two seperate inputs for "Top Boost" and "Normal", and to switch you must put the amp on standby, swap your lead over then then flick the standby switch again.

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Traynor for sure. I know you said no more than 40 watts, but my favorite Traynor is the YCV 50. It has a great master volume and sounds quite good at lower volumes. If amp overdrive is important to you I think it is the best of the Traynor line, although the 40 watter is good to. For a cheap tube amp, you won't go wrong with either of these models.

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love the blues deluxe. I have had one for 10 yearsand never had a problem with it. excelent clean, not crazy about the over drive chanel, but that is subjective. I run mine on the clean chanel and use pedals and can get some great tones, one thing though, this amp is LOUD.

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Channel switching probably isn't a deal killer at all, I'm just used to something that does. Volume isn't an issue either, I like to play loud -- and I usually play a Marshall DSL100 half-stack. Why I am looking for a lower wattage amp that does clean tones well and as mentioned, probably a TS9 will be my OD. I've got the big gain channel monster already. Good suggestions!


On the Vox, I love the clean and have played many -- but not run the OD in front of them and not really gotten into trying to pull blues tones.

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why don't you just get a reverb pedal and slam your DSL's clean channel with a treble booster?


That'll run you... $150 for both pedals.


I don't see why you need a "blues" amp, wasn't 99.9% of 60's British blues-rock done with overdriven Marshalls?



maybe i'm just cheap.

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The cleans on the DSL are not that great, really dirty which is fine for some of what I play. Its a gain beast for sure and covers most of what I do pretty well. Plus, its not practicle for just picking up and taking to a jam, which is kind of what I am looking to do more. Lugging the big beast around is a bitch.

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