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I admit, I love the mans tone


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Originally posted by LAracer

Why does he try to make his strat sound like something
than a strat? Strats aren't supposed to be all smooth and mellow like that. Strats are meant to be slapped around and spanked a little; they like it that way.



Because this way he has developed his own tone and for better or worse hes famous for it. As opposed to being just another copy cat like 99% of players out there. For what its worth I try to make my strat get violin like sustain.

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Originally posted by Alchemist

Because this way he has developed his own tone and for better or worse hes famous for it. As opposed to being just another copy cat like 99% of players out there. For what its worth I try to make my strat get violin like sustain.



Well, I guess I have 2 issues:


a) I just don't like his tone. My opinion, and I'm not trying to convince anyone that I'm "right". I just don't like it.


b) Seems to me that his tone is so different from a "normal" (natural?) strat tone that it would be easier to get on a different kind of guitar.


So for me then, to try to coax a tone that to me is not good from a guitar that doesn't want to produce it is all wrong. Like I said, not trying to persuade anyone that I'm right; just explaining why I feel the way I do.

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EJ is awesome, but he bores me to tears. I love to hear him play, but I can't stand looking at him while he does it. He's not your typical shredder type, and I love that about him, but he just looks so.......... stiff? Maybe that's the word, but it's such an understatment. It's like he tries to be anything but a rocker. EJ would be the ultimate session guy though. Love love LOVE his tone though, always have.

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Originally posted by mrfreeze

have you guys heard/seen EJ play Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner.

it about made me cry. his tone is great, but when he tries to play like hendrix, it all goes to {censored}. not very good.



i remember seeing that a long time ago; he did it before a ballgame. This was when his popularity was on the rise.


Man, I didn't like it at all. I think that's why it took me a long time to be a fan. That was my first exposure to him and it just turned me off. I had all these expectations 'cause I'd heard about him and what a let down.


I waited to be treated to all this guitar-wizardry and instead watched uncomfortabley as he tap-dance through all his effects throughout the whole tune.


...but it's all good. I like him big-time, now.

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You know what i think? I think Eric Johnson likes the sound of Les Pauls (I mean Cliffs of Dover was recorded with a Les Paul). I think he just perfers strats cuz they're easier to play. not that he can't rip on a gibson, but i figure he just finds strats more comfortable. but i think he still perfers the les paul sound so he tries to emulate it on a strat.

i may be wrong but just a thought.

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I saw Eric Johnson in concert last summer. I'd never heard anything of his except "Cliffs of Dover", but a lot of people said he was really good. Wrong. His tone was the suckiest over-processed crap I'd ever heard, and his playing was boring drivel. Then he did about 4 boring encores. I was very disappointed.

Question: Why does he insist on perfect vintage gear to get that white-bread processed tone?

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This is probably my absolute favorite EJ tune. Its just so damn clean and interesting and has a lot of feel to it. I prefer something with a little bit of groove to it and this has a real laid back mildly funky sophisticated thing going on. First time I heard it was actually from this DVD.

Great post. I don't always like his playing or tone, but this one is about as close to perfection as you can ask for.

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Originally posted by Alchemist

Its all good, I've had a long day too:(

Ottawa, home of the other mediocre Ontario hockey team:D

Ottawa!:rolleyes: I knew there something about you I didn't like:mad: Senators suck!


oh yeah, I like EJ, I have seen him live and he is perfection with a guitar. Kinda sterile in away...just too perfect...spooky robot perfect. But I liked the show, he is who he is:idea:

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