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Spencer,Base, what about another NEXT!


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Spring has sprung! The sun is actually shining! People are going around asking stuff like "What's dat ting up in de sky" and "Where's de switch fer dat light". I even got the grass mowed for the first time this year! And I got the shrubs trimmed! The lawn mower wouldn't start but I didn't care. I hit it with a bigger hammer and it was fine. And - get this - I did it all wearing a tee-shirt and no big wooly sweater. It's going to rain some more by the look of it, though.


Is all that is left of this thread me and Spence talking about the weather? :confused:

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The Juno has eluded GBS AGAIN, Spence?! Lord that sucks! The guys do have number of ECMAs under their belts though, at least?


Congrats on Spring finally arriving in Ireland, Blackpig! Seems to have settled in nicely here as well.


So how was everyone's weekend eh? I went to see Gaelic Storm play on Saturday night. Great show indeed, Patrick Murphy is an absolute riot. Nothing better than a grown Irishman prancing about on stage with a huge keyboard accordion proclaiming it "the world's sexiest instrument." The audience was...interesting. Half stood there and stared blankly...how you can stand still to Gaelic Storm is beyond me (though my concert behaviour may be somewhat influenced by Great Big Sea traditions of jumping like a maniac, as I'm sure Spencer can attest :p). To my left was half of County Cork (where Patrick is from), and they were all knackered. The highlight of this group was a completely trashed blonde woman, who fell on me twice, then proceeded to stumble her way onstage during a tune, barely able to walk, and attempted to step dance. She crashed into the percussionist, nearly knocked over Steve the guitarist, who narrowly managed to shield her from falling on his bouzouki, and then crashed-landed ass-first into a heap of gear behind her, before crawling off the stage. Interesting, to say the least.

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Good lord....


Was she alright? With the exception of the impending hangover, of course....:p


I'm extremely leery and anxious whenever I see an obviously very drunk 'nard clamouring up onstage. Their destructive capabilities knows almost no bounds...


Upbeat folk music is a beautiful thing. :thu: The GBS show Thursday night past was amazing. The lads were in fine form (and, no, I didn't have to pay for my tickets, Amanda :D). I'm hoping they get a chance to rest up this week before the next round of shows.




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She was fine. Bet she was hating life the next day though eh? :p Hehehe. Steve looked like he was going to eat her head though. Understandably. :D So what pray tell is a "'nard"???


I heard the lads' St. John's shows have been fantastic! One day I will get to see them play a hometown concert. Maybe next year eh? :) Then you can wave you big stupid comp ticket in my face in person. :p:D Seriously, I'm glad to hear it was such a good time, I hope they get some good rest in while they're home too. I heard Alan & Joanne's good news too, my hearty congrats to them both! :thu:


Hey, so do you remember that email I sent you like 3 weeks ago where I mentioned that Mike fella I'd 'sorta' met? You know, the email you never responded to? :p Well, we dropped the Big "L" Bomb. :D Things are getting complicated, but I'm still on cloud nine. :D

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Yes, I still have it...


You'll have a response by the end of the day!


BTW: location is merely a logistics issue ;). Jackie and I spent our entire first year together in completely different parts of the country! (Toronto - St. John's: not quite the same, but you get the idea :))




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Spencer- Promises, promises. :p True though, and clearly you and Jackie worked out. :D Dude, I only wish he was in St. John's! At least then I'd have a shot at the citizenship & location I wanted. :p


Base- long story short, I'm in love with an Australian guy named Mike. And it's all the fault of one of the bands Spencer works with. :p Main problem is, he's in Australia. :mad: And has 2 kids. :freak:

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Originally posted by Branwyn

Base- long story short, I'm in love with an Australian guy named Mike. And it's all the fault of one of the bands Spencer works with.
Main problem is, he's in Australia.
And has 2 kids.


Awww, that's okay, I'm in love with a Norwegian gal named Brunhilde...she's kinda heavy set with two long blond pigtails, wears a Viking hat, carries a trident, and sings opera. :D :D

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Thanks Base. :D I'm looking at doing this air courier thing so I can go visit. Deliver stuff for a company by hand instead of them shipping it by cargo (cheaper and easier for them), and for "payment" you get airfare for literally next to nothing, occasionally free. Sounds very shady and James Bondish, I know, but it's totally legit. www.courier.org I'm so travelling the world on a shoestring! Ireland and the UK, here I come. :D



And yeah, 60+ pages of complete bollocks has is WAY over on pro reviews and Bruce. :p

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So I'm actually in the office today - barely.


Saturday morning I felt great - I even went for a nice long 43.5 km ride around the city. Aside from some stiff headwinds, it was most enjoyable.


Saturday afternoon saw me progressively succumb to a stomach bug. Not too too bad at first, but by the time I went to bed, it was aggravating me greatly.


Sunday morning I woke up feeling much better. Silly me, I thought I had seen the worst of it. Not so. Sunday afternoon had me confined to the apartment....leery of venturing too far from any facilities....


This morning I'm feeling well enough to come to work, but my department head tells me I look like death warmed over. Maybe I'll head home this afternoon and chill some more on the couch.


We'll see how well I fair this morning.


Cheers! (a loose interpretation thereof, anyways)


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Bran No WAIT!!!!! :eek:


Damn, too late, you e-mailed him, we're gonna have to torch you too :cry:


Oh well, c'est la vie... :D



KFC is a bad idea. It's better than McD's or burger king but by the time you actually get served, it has decomposed and is crawling with maggots!!!! Fast food my arse...!


Moi, bitter & impatient :confused:

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Dammit. Oh well, it's been fun. I'm suddenly starting to feel like an alien is going to jump out of my tummy... :p


You know, I had no idea KFC was such a worldwide enterprise. :D I was pretty surprised to see that one on Duckworth St. in St. John's, to be honest. Actually my thought process went something like this: "Wait, I can't find a friggin' Starbucks anywhere but there's a Kentucky Fried Chicken in the middle of town...WTF?! I want my evil capitalist bastard venti double mocha latte green tea chai frappucino!!!" :p


I remember a couple years ago, there was this urban legend going about how KFC wasn't real chicken, that is was some sort of genetically engineered lab "meat". Pulsating blobs of headless, limbless flesh frankensteined from chicken DNA sat in a secret lab somewhere with tubes attached, and that's why KFC had to change their official name to the initials, since they couldn't call it chicken anymore. :freak: Mmmmmm pulsating blobsof fried headless limbless flesh.......... :evil:

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