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I Just Learned How To Get Pics From My Phone, So Here's My Rig


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That is a cool ass Peavey guitar, dude. I wonder if there are any floating around on eBay.



There are tons. Get one. Now.





Very nice!How do you like your Gretsch?



It is the best $350 guitar I have ever played.



That's a very tan situation you've got going on there, but yes... that's a pretty hip rig.



It's temporary housing. My real house is nicer.

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Those Pro Jets are only $350??? Now i have to add one to my neverending GAS list.

That's a great rig! :thu:No BS, and no FILLER!!

I got the Gretsch at Sam Ash for $339 out the door and it included the extended service plan that includes a string change and set-up every three months for two years.

I've got the Zoom, but I prefer the amp straight up. When it's loud.

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I like the way T-60s play but the sound didn't do anything for me...cool stuff though!



Because you played it by itself. Play it in a band. The sumbitch cuts through anything.



Lol no man, I meant the guitars and amp. Everything there is kind of on the yellow/ brown/ khaki side. It's kinda British Army lookin', I like it.



Okay. But until arkay enhanced it, the whole damned thing looked tan.

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