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The Lindsay and Holly Chronicles...the Saga Continues...


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This morning, I arrived home from work to find a message on my answering machine. Why they didn't call Deb's cell phone, I have no idea. They called Kansas City.


The girls have an apartment.


Deb seems to feel it's safe enough. It's an apartment building that caters to artistic types...musicians, both rock and orchestral, artists, theatrical types I guess.


This will at least give them the chance to get a taste, hopefully in relative safety, of living on their own, and having to fend for themselves without us having to worry about them getting a bug up their ass and running off. They're in the promised land, you know... :rolleyes: Now, they've gotta get a job...'cuz we ain't funding their dream forever.


Me? I'm gonna take 'em a car...and drive as much of old Route 66 as I can.


Phil, Jeff, Dak, and all you SoCal ers...fire up the grill. Tedster will be out there in a few weeks.

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Good lord, Ted, how could I not have thought of this earlier...


This was a reality show just begging for network pilot deal! 2 girls with guitars from the heart of the Midwest venture to LA in search of The Great American Dream. It would have been perfect for mid-season replacement or Summer '06 on The WB.


Someone get Ari Gold on the phone...

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Glad to hear it, Tedman.


I'm sure the whole experience has already been an educational one for them. As long as they can continue acting responsibly, they'll both probably learn and grow a LOT in a short time span.


This, of course, is a good thing. And you'll all get to laugh over the "what were we thinking?" stories in 10 years.


- Jeff

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This wouldn't have been nearly as nerve wracking if they'd decided to up and move to Nashville. ;)


Glad to hear things are settling down... Even if they're far from over. There's good peeps out there to look after them, should they have any trouble. :cool:


Maybe a story on NPR rather than a reality show... Valky?? Vaaaalllkyyyyy!!!. ;):D


Good luck, Ted.

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Wow...thanks for all the kind offers. Actually Linwood...it'd probably be on my way there (rather than coming back, I'd probably be flying back) that I'd be going through (Elvis voice) Las Vegas, man...if I drive 'em out a car. Not sure what the Debster's plans are going to be. I don't think she wants to be out there much longer...I think she's getting tired of it (she's been out there over three weeks)... But it would be great to be able to pick your brains about the jingle biz.


Bunny Storm, by all means. I'm not driving all that way to not have some fun, y'know...


I wouldn't miss the chance to pick and savor a brew with the mighty Dak either...


Mr. Zeger...I can't tell ya how many times I was on the phone talking about this stuff I felt like I was on camera doing a reality show. Most of the times I started shuffling around, mumbling expletives in a Brit accent like Ozzy. :D


Phil and Jeff...yeah...:thu:...:D

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Originally posted by Johnny Storm

Sounds like a good reason to drive 500 miles south - to hang with the Tedster.

Yeah, hes toooooooooo cool not to hang with! have fun guys :)


I am so pleased their doing fine Ted and I really hope it works out for them in the big wide world.

They sound like they are starting to sus things out for themselves which is good and you and Debs won't have to worry.. Send Debs my love and a big hug from London :)

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Sounds like a good reason to drive 500 miles south - to hang with the Tedster.


I highly recommend it. He's a helluva guy. Of course, y'all already knew that.


Say, are you taking them a car that you already own, or are you picking one up to take to them?

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Yep...I'm taking 'em a little fuel efficient four banger five speed. Too bad, 'cuz I plan on driving what I can find of old Route 66 on the way out, and it would be better to have a cooler car to do that in.


Well, as I said on the other thread, they called me freaking when the power went out today. Deb's still out there, she's coming home tomorrow.



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I know that you're not having much fun with this atm, but at least you are *able* to do all the things you and Deb are doing. Giving them the best shot...


btw, are Holly's parents helping out/as involved in any of this?


Go look at the prices at the gas pump and repeat the bit about a 'cooler car'. ;)

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Originally posted by phaeton

btw, are Holly's parents helping out/as involved in any of this?



Hmmm. I think the most diplomatic way to answer this is to say that basically Deb and I HAVE been Holly's parents for about the last year and a half.


I have a lot to say on this topic...but, I really don't want to go there on a public forum, no matter how far removed from the involved parties it seems to be.

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Hmmm. I think the most diplomatic way to answer this is to say that basically Deb and I HAVE been Holly's parents for about the last year and a half.


Understood ;)


When I was growing up I had a handful of friends that probably got more 'parenting' from my mom n dad than anywhere else.


I'd dare say that they'd have turned out much differently if that were the case.


$diety blesses you and Deb for caring when others should.

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I was talking to my son Andrew today. He's getting pretty serious about his new gal pal, Jen.


I asked him about her family. I guess her mom's been married to some serious losers, not the least of which was Jen's biological "sperm donor".


What is WRONG with the world?


At any rate, Phaeton, I'll tell ya more sometime...


And, everyone, thanks for caring.

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Hi Ted,


Glad to see you're going to head out to give the girls some wheels and check in on them... You have a 2 part PM awaiting in your inbox on the forums here. Make the best of your trip and take some of these fine folks up on their good ole southern ... or western ... or well... just plain ole good hospitality. ;)

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Just be careful when Ted says he's found a really good acoustic club then leads you into a karaoke bar :D


Glad to hear that it sounds like things have improved out there for them tho Ted, have a good trip and have a few drinks for us!! thumb.gif

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