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HELP: I Need A New Name for a Music Venue!

Mr. Donovan

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I received this message from a big shot Music Promoter based in Des Moines





hey people whats up


as I get closer to opening my new venue with my partner J, we are having a slight dilemma... mainly, a "Name".

with so many poorly named venues and restaurants out there we looking to have a truelly cool and classy name and not something weird or just plain dumb, or worse something that is already taken.


so heres my offer...

anyone who can come up with a great name, and/or a logo for the new venue, that is better than what i have developed, you will get a special life time VIP pass to my establishments, (this one and everyone in the future) for preferential treatment, free drinks and food, and much, much more. ( like hanging out with the bands in the VIP room)


we cant really come up with anything good. so far my best idea is...


(logo is in my pictures file here on myspace.com)


J- Dub's Utopia


named for Mr. J, My Business Partner, (and head Chef of the kitchen), and for me, Mr. Dub, or Mr. W



so get your names/ideas in now... deadline is this friday at midnight or so... W (a link to my my space profile)




:End Quote



This same guy also invited me and many others on MySpace to his Halloween party. His MySpace page is http://www.myspace.com/devilishmanagement


Let me know what would be a good Music Venue name. I think a lifetime VIP pass would be awesome! You know I'll be giving credit where credit is do, and Reprazentin' my peeps at SSS. And if a name you reccommend is chosen, you can come stay at my place in Des Moines, Iowa whenever you want, and I'll provide plenty of refreshments and get you into the clubs. But you don't have to come to Des Moines. It seems like Des Moines is not the hottest destination at the moment.


But names! I need some good venue names! Wewus, you're full of ideas! Tedster, you have such a way with words (like "I Want to Live Like a Klingon!"). Blackpig, you are the wittiest Irishman on this board! Everyone else that I forgot to mention, please help!

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The Get Loaded Zone


Club Wewus




No Smoking Allowed


Bang To The Bong With Your Willy Wong Wong Club


Last Train To Clarksville


Hat Trick


MusicPlayer Live


Greg Sanderson's Smooth Jazz and Opium Den


The Corn Field


Che Wewo


Carpe Noctern-which means Sieze The Night

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Hey Franky, I'm seeing alternate spelling of Nocterne. It can also be Nocturne, or even Nocturn, but seems any one of those three are correct. I don't really know Latin but I like Nocterne.


Yeah, I found multiple spellings too. This is one of those things where I'd rather look it up in the library or ask a professor of latin since I'm not sure which internet site to believe. My personal favorite is Nocturn, even if I'm not sure if that one's correct.


The Prairie Rose


(that's yer state flower if ya didn't know. and it doesn't seem to be taken either)


Yeah, I think I remember learning about that in elementry school. I also remember that the gold finch is the state bird of Iowa.


Sure Chris, come along. Might be a cool name for a club. In red neon on the front of the club it could say Carpe Nocterne and then below it in purple neon, smaller letters, sieze the night. Yeah, baby.

That does sound cool!





Angelo, how about Amnesia Space Cream? That sounds like a product from an informercial in the middle of the night. Or maybe the Continental Ibiza Harley Fiddle Place? I liked those flyers you posted, there're cool. Hey Angelo, if you're ever interested in traveling all the way to Des Moines from Switzerland, let me know (but I'm not holding my breath).


Heres some pics of the guy we are talking about who is opening the venue. He is Wes Schlotterback (C.E.O.)



He invited me and a bunch of other people on MySpace to come to his Halloween party at his house (It's actually on Nov 4, a week after Halloween so that it wouldn't conflict with other people's Halloween parties). I think he's pretty generous (and brave) to be inviting a bunch of strangers to his house for a party. I'll let you know how the party goes.


I also got a Bulliten on MySpace today about from him. He said that he's taking a road trip tonight to see a concert in Davenport, Iowa which is about 2 1/2 hours from Des Moines. He said he has 2 empty spots in his car if anyone in Des Moines want to come with him. Once again, pretty brave and generous. I didn't take him up on it. With my luck I'd probably be Farting a lot during the whole car ride. Which is not a good first impression to be making with a bunch of strangers in a confined space.


I think people in the Mid West do tend to be pretty friendly and trusting. And sometimes a guy like this really blows me away.

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Originally posted by Mr. Donovan




Angelo, how about Amnesia Space Cream? That sounds like a product from an informercial in the middle of the night.


















Have no idea what typ of Club you wanna open in Des Moine. The ones above have 15'000 entrances or more per weekend...



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Wes really wanted a completely original name that hasn't been used before.


Wes told me he doesn't like "The Devil's Playground" name because people in Iowa are afraid of anything with a Devil in it's name. I wonder if he regrets naming his company "Devilish Management".

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