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Guitar Stickers!!


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I like em, but feel that if you're going to sticker a guitar, it needs to be covered in em. one or two look like a mistake.


None of mine are stickered, as i think it gives the wrong vibe for a covers band. I think a stickered guitar looks like you ar going to play something potentially very fast and agressive - no problem there personally, but I find the pub crowd is wary. I leave it to my hard case to carry the stickers for me now.

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Solid coloured guitars should have stickers! But stickers on burst ones just look out of place...oh well, I'll bite my lip and post mine.


I have another guitar...but it isn't updated...in terms of stickers, that is.


That is sweeeeeeeet. What's the guitar p/up etc?

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One of the interesting things about a stickered guitar is that it makes you wonder what all the owner is into and why he/she has certain stickers. For instance, the first sticker I noticed on WestPunx guitar was the Thor sticker, which made me wonder if he rode motocross.

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I've never seen the logic of putting a sticker of another band on your guitar. What, if you slap a Metallica sticker on your axe, are people gonna think "wow, that dude's in Metallica?" Chances are good that if you're the type to put another band's sticker on your guitar, your band probably sounds like a copycat of that band anyway.


Originality folks, that's the key! If you feel the need to deface your axe, make it your own and save the band stickers for your rusted out, broken down 1987 Corolla.:thu:

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Now that is some world class stickering dougy:)




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World class.

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