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I once heard a recording by Alessandro Moreschi. It was seriously disturbing. It was not, however, as disturbing as finding that the Ferrari parked outside your house belongs to Steven Gately.


I'd rather have me Mondeo and me bollocks.

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Originally posted by fantasticsound

We HAVE a winner for best black humor re body mutilation.


Thank you! I'm happy to have won something.


I'll feel even better when someone puts one of my quotes in their sig file.


Wouldn't this make a snappy sig file?


"A castrato is a man cut out to be a soprano. "



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That's one of her few books I haven't read (not counting the last few years worth since she started writing Mills & Boon with vampires :rolleyes: ). I can believe it would be seriously disturbing...!


Surely someone could make the same effect on the voice digitally now, though I personally would like to see (not literally of course, that would be hideous) Gary Glitter sentenced to that device...!:evil:

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Originally posted by rasputin1963

There is a novel by Anne Rice called
, which is a carefully researched historical fiction about the castrati and their life and times.

The novel is very interesting, and has plenty of dirty parts, too.



That is a good book! Anne generally manages to work in some kinky stuff, and this subject lends itself. But still a very serious and moving work.


Then of course, there is her Sleeping Beauty trilogy, which is all kink. That was under her nom de plume A. N. Roquelaire, IIRC.




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