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What exactly, is a Uni-Vibe?


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Sure, I guess I have an idea of what it sounds like, but what is it? How does it differ from a phaser or a chorus, or any other pitch shifting effect?

Is there any reason to own a Uni-Vibe an a phaser?



I can't think of a reason to own a phase shifter, but I love Univibes. It's a different sound.

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a uni-vibe is a phaser, but it's a more low-tech version than a phase 90 or similar model. It has a lightbulb that heats up and cools down in it, and photosensitive cells that react to the light and make the 'out of phase' sound. A phase 90 does the same thing but with chips instead of light bulbs. A univibe is supposed to sound like a leslie speaker, but a fast chorus comes much closer to emulating that sound.

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I got rid of the Vibe years ago. I just didn't use it.

Like with Vintage electrics? Who would have known the $ tag would be this high?

Had a friend come over my place with an original Tube Sceamer. He wanted to sell it and asked me if I wanted it for $50. bucks?

I went to E-Bay and showed him a couple diffent auctions for the originals. So he could get an idea of what they go for now. Needless to say he was shocked.

I was surprized he wasn't aware of the price hike? But he did a few years in jail for drugs so...I guess I could see losing touch.

Anyway I wouldn't takle advantage of someone like that. But I'm positive someone else would have.

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I got one about a decade ago or so. I basically regard it as an over priced chorus pedal and I don't use it these days. I even went for the optional expression foot pedal so I've got a silly amount of $ into that piece, but the quality is probably better than most.

My recollection is that it has two modes, chorus and vibrato.

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