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I think I want a Gibson again....


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Dunno why, maybe its all these Gibson NGD's lately, but I am starting to miss my old ones, and feel like buying another......


....missing the old artstar too..... ahhhh GASSSSS it never ends does it...


these were my main guitars two years ago... only thing left is the silver RG570






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I sold all my Gibsons (Faded V, V-90, and a US Standard Explorer) when Gibson started sueing anyone and everyone (from Rondo to PRS). I bought a Rickenbacker to fill that high-end US solidbody niche.


The Rick isn't going anywhere, but I'd like another Explorer or maybe a Melody Maker, or my pipe dream guitar, a Les Paul Classic.

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the necks were ultimately too chunky for my tastes, and I have other nice guitars I bought since...... just in the mood for a set neck mahogany bodied guitar with humbuckers.....


yeah i love teh mahogany

all of my guitars are mahogany except for teh DK2M i bought today at GC- it's alder.

i miss my LP custom,though.

i want to save up and get a light burst standard with a 50's neck.

those faded standards are looking good too- the heritage cherry faded looks like a light burst :love:

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I sold all my Gibsons (Faded V, V-90, and a US Standard Explorer) when Gibson started sueing anyone and everyone (from Rondo to PRS). I bought a Rickenbacker to fill that high-end US solidbody niche.

The Rick isn't going anywhere, but I'd like another Explorer or maybe a Melody Maker, or my pipe dream guitar, a Les Paul Classic.



They do have a great selection of explorers out now, I may have to consider one of those. I'd also like a PRS...... I guess it just never ends.


I'll probably hit up the stores within the next few weeks to see if anything really grabs me, if not, well thats alright, I got enough guitars to hold me over I suppose..

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the necks were ultimately too chunky for my tastes, and I have other nice guitars I bought since...... just in the mood for a set neck mahogany bodied guitar with humbuckers.....


Hey, if you ever want the Artstar back, let me know. I mean if you REALLY want it back... not that I have any plans to try and get rid of it :)


If a "real" gibson neck is too chunky for you, why not get a custom made to your specs? I know a guy who can do it for you.. ;)



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Hey, if you ever want the Artstar back, let me know. I mean if you REALLY want it back... not that I have any plans to try and get rid of it

If a "real" gibson neck is too chunky for you, why not get a custom made to your specs? I know a guy who can do it for you..




no no, the artstar and I had parted ways, it was a fantastic guitar, and I'm happy it has a good home.....



as far as knowing a guy who may build me one..... well I may just take him up on that next year or so......;)

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Where in Canada are you? If you're near the Western NY border it would be worth a trip down to Rochester to hit the House of Guitars. They have so many nice Gibsons and they Kill MF/GC prices. you could probably get a killer deal, especially with the current exchange rate. . .

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Where in Canada are you? If you're near the Western NY border it would be worth a trip down to Rochester to hit the House of Guitars. They have so many nice Gibsons and they Kill MF/GC prices. you could probably get a killer deal, especially with the current exchange rate. . .


How many hours from Montreal do you think? :idea:

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