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SG Question


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Afternoon all y'all


Is there a large pickguard SG out there with a Maestro thats NOT an Angus?

Im not big on the Angus at all, (the engraving or the headstock) and similarily have never been big on the small pickguards. Im also not one to drill into my standard and those stetsbars look like dog{censored}.


What I'd really love is an SG Standard, large pickguard with maestro that wasnt 30 years old. I could do old if i hadda, i'd just prefer playing a bunch first, hence new. Its not looking good tho.


Any suggestions?


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no no no avoid maestros

they look great but they are on hell of a hassle and after a year mine just gave up the ghost and i have to use it as a hardtale which kind of defeats the object

and ive only ever seen sg's with small pickguards with a maestro like mine-even tho mine is an epi

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Not sure that Gibson still makes the Maestro for anything but the Angus....

Custom Shop still has 'em but with the small pickguard.


OP, you are aware that the Custom Shop will build that axe for you if you simply must have it exactly as you say. It will cost you though...

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Custom Shop still has 'em but with the small pickguard.

OP, you are aware that the Custom Shop will build that axe for you if you simply must have it exactly as you say. It will cost you though...



Yep, we'll see how long the gas maintains

If i simply must have it, Custom shop i guess

Altho, they all seem to be aged this or faded that, but i'll look into it when i have to. Thanks again

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Yep, we'll see how long the gas maintains

If i simply must have it, Custom shop i guess

Altho, they all seem to be aged this or faded that, but i'll look into it when i have to. Thanks again



You could throw a bigsby on just about any SG. Something to consider, though the maestros are pretty cool.

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Afternoon all y'all

Is there a large pickguard SG out there with a Maestro thats NOT an Angus?

Im not big on the Angus at all, (the engraving or the headstock) and similarily have never been big on the small pickguards. Im also not one to drill into my standard and those stetsbars look like dog{censored}.

What I'd really love is an SG Standard, large pickguard with maestro that wasnt 30 years old. I could do old if i hadda, i'd just prefer playing a bunch first, hence new. Its not looking good tho.

Any suggestions?





ALLPARTS sells Maestro types. Look in the tailpieces section.

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yeah, but im not looking to drill into my standard, otherwise I'd be all over that all-parts one. That and it leaves gaping holes from the stop bar visible from what ive read.




Hmmm.....How about getting something like the Gibson Custom SG historic standard re-issue with maestro and replace the pickguard with a large one?




Stew-Mac sells that Les-Trem. It fits on existing hardware.

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Hmmm.....How about getting something like the Gibson Custom SG historic standard re-issue with maestro and replace the pickguard with a large one?

Hmm thats not such a bad idea really
Although i have read that the pickups gaps are different? might only be in relation to the TOM bridge tho and therefore would not be an issue i guess on a guitar with a maestro. I'll have to look into that actually. Thanks again :thu:

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^ From what I can recall that whole maestro trem was a joke in the first place. Granted, they look great but from what I remember they didn't work that well. When I got my first SG I jumped on a model that had a Bigsby, SG Deluxe if memory serves. I was happy to be getting a guitar with a trem and just as happy it wasn't that maestro.

As it turns out I don't really care for Bigsby's much anymore these days but back then it was the best thing around. Of course trems have come a long way since then but that Meastro is one huge step backwards. :(

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from what i hear the Les Trem is total garbage tho?

:idk: There are a few folks on here that say they work pretty good.

There was one other trem that was known as total garbage...it was called the bowen or bowden handle. People bitch about that one all the time.

Throw up a thread about the Les-Trem. Someone is bound to ring in with pic's and opinions. Might be worth a shot.

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There was a guy on either the Gibson forum or everything SG forum that bought an Angus SG and had the headstock refinished. It looked great. I think I have it bookmarked at work. I didn't have any luck finding it here. If I remember I'll throw a link up on Monday.

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