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Frankenstein SG

Mad Hatter

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I think that SG 100 is one of the Norlin years 'bad experiments'. It was the time in the early 70's when they came up with a lot of bad stuff that caused people to think that all the Gibson models from their era were bad but I don't agree. They didn't mess around with their LP Standards and other traditional Gibson models.


They just tried to introduce a lot of different goofy {censored} that didn't fly too well. And that was one of them. And I sure as hell don't want one!

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I think that SG 100 is one of the Norlin years 'bad experiments'. It was the time in the early 70's when they came up with a lot of bad stuff that caused people to think that all the Gibson models from their era were bad but I don't agree. They didn't mess around with their LP Standards and other traditional Gibson models.

They just tried to introduce a lot of different goofy {censored} that didn't fly too well. And that was one of them. And I sure as hell don't want one!



They didn't even make an LP Standard until '76, and if multi-piece necks, pancake bodies, maple necks, etc. aren't messing with designs, I don't know what is.


Not that I'm knocking them, my #1 is a '72 LP Deluxe.

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I thought the pancake design began with the LP Deluxe in the mid 60's.

And my #1 is a 78 LP Standard with a 3 piece neck but, no pancake body.



For example, when the Deluxe was introduced in '68, it had it a one piece body, one-piece neck and P-90's. When Norlin bought the company in '69, it changed to pancake body, 3-piece neck (with volute) and mini-HB's.


SG's? Total redesign of the neck joint in the early '70's.

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Lots of weird stuff came out of Kalamazoo, one offs, experiments, things put together from whatever parts were sitting around. There even is at least one authenic Gibosn, made from a refridgerator drawer.

It used to be that you could hit small towns in Michigan and turn up odballs like this that had been sold to the employees and what not.

Cool strange guitar, worth keeping an eye on.

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