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So last night I bought an Eric Johnson Strat...


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I finally did it... I guess....


A few years ago I sold off my '31' National and quit playing. I was real frustrated with my playing. Then, a few weeks ago my bro-in-law gave me an Alverez 0028 copy and an Indonesian Crap-Strat copy, along with a little 25 watt Epiphone amp, a NIB Cry Baby waw-waw pedal and a NIB Pignose. Lucky me!


So.... Last night my GF and I stopped into the local guitar hangout to buy some strings and I ended up with two pkgs of strings and a brand new white Eric Johnson Strat :lol: Thats absolutely the first time that I've had a significant other say "You like it don't you? That thing sounds so good.... Why don't you just buy the guitar? You'll love it!"


$1300+tax OTD and I guess I'll pick it up tomorrow afternoon.


Then today I dropped by my local auction house and saw a Peavy Artist VT Series 400 watt amp in nice condition. I tried to test the amp (And I suppose some other guys did too.) but the fuse was missing. In the end I won the bidding at $45.00. After installing a new fuse the tubes let up and it works just fine. (Damn... That suckers LOUD!)


Can anyone here tell me anything about this amp? (Like how old it is and how the "Automix" feature works.) The serial number is 9A-473449 and chassis sayes that it's 400 watts (!). I have already searched the web but havent come up with any real info concerning this model amp. Also, how much do these things usually go for? I think that the reverb is kinda weak, so what do I do about that?


Man, I think that this Strat is gonna be big fun! :love:



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:thu: Congrats man, and I second the idea that you should do something nice for your GF for being supportive of your music hobby because so many of them would say something like "you're crazy to even think about spending that kind of money for a guitar." (ask me how I know this....)

Enjoy your new gear... hope it inspires you to keep on playin' like the rest of us hopeless cases here on HCEG! I gotta ask though... only 400 watts?? I mean, I guess it'll be loud enough for bedroom playing... :D
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Yeah well....

Sorry about the 400 watts but I only had $50 to spend and it was the only amp at the auction. Last I checked, those little 25 watt Epiphones sell for more. Whats up with that? :rolleyes:

I shoulda bought the Fender dual speaker cab but I couldnt think of anything to do with it. (Now I'm kicking myself cause it sold for $85.00 and I coulda Ebayed it and made some money!)

I think I'll check into the local auction house more often!


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400 watts is the power consumption figure. Most likely about a 100 watt amp.Does it have 4 6L6GC power tubes? Educated guess is late 70s. Automix lets you play through both channels or switch them. Needs a proprietary Peavey footswitch with the multipin connector to use the automix features fully.

IIRC disclaimer standard.

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All I got was the amp but I will definately begin looking for the correct switch and yes, it has four 6L6GC tubes. 1234...

Youre probably correct about the wattage. The amp really isnt big enough to be rated at 400 watts but if it's 100 watts those appear to be very healthy watts!

Anyway, at the price paid, I can't go far wrong and I feel pretty lucky to have gotton into a 'real' amp so cheaply. Now I can take my time looking for something that I REALLY like, which (Who knows?) may well turn out to be what I just got.

I'll probably have the axe in my sweaty mitts tomorrow afternoon and if so, I'll post photos of the whole shebang tomorrow evening. I just can't wait to hear how the EJ sounds through this amp. It damn sure sang a sweet tune through the stores Fender! Man, what tone!:thu:


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Congrats on the EJ and amp!

Can you post a pic of the amp? :D Maybe the guitar too...

mc5nrg got the answers right, above.

The Artist series is great. SS preamp, tube power amp. One thing you need to know about them is that they are kindof hifi in their design. The tone controls have lots of range. If you just plug in and set them all at 5, it just sounds boring. But that is by design. The amp has no real flavor of it's own. Which is good. Don't be afraid to try tone control settings at their extremes. Don't think about what number the knob is on, just move them till you find a good sound. You can use all of the knobs' range. They can cover a lot of ground, tone wise.

They're also bulletproof. I've fixed a LOT of Peavey gear and never fixed one of those. I sold my 112 Artist combo awhile ago, but remember it with respect.

Their market value is low, but they are a durable, loud, low gain, good sounding amp.

As for the reverb, wiggle the cables, it's probably got some oxidation on the connections. The reverb on these is near Fender deep with a large spring tank, and all the send/return electronics are solid state, so not likely that it has gone bad.

Again congrats!

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Great guitar.


Bad amp. Imho, of course. I've owned a couple VT-series amps and one VTM. They're hybrids (tube power, SS pre) and tend to run on the dark and muddy side of the tone spectrum. If it has a set of Black Widow speakers then you might get a little benefit from them over the Scorpions and other no-name speakers that Peavey was known to use back in the day.

400 watts is what the amp draws to run, not it's power output.

If it has 4 6L6 tubes then expect a rated 120 watts RMS (similar to my old Deuce and VTM120). 6 tubes will be 160 watts RMS (similar to my old Mace).


But for $45, if it works, use it until you get something else.

Who knows, maybe it'll be just what you want.

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