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So all I get is that she's spoiled. Why do people get all worked up over it? Who cares? She managed to eek out some publicity and fame for herself without a lot of real talent, she was born into a lot of money and can party as much as she wants without a care in the world. I suspect people are just jealous of her.

Am I a fan? Not really, other than thinking she looks pretty hot when she's not too skinny. I just think its pathetic when people have all this hatred and anger toward a public persona when they don't even know the person



OK, she's a symptom, not the disease. The idea that inherited wealth and some sort of attractive physical appearance are more important than what goes on in any other person's life is a bizarre outcome of popular culture.


Every day hundreds (thousands) of people get sent up the river for drunk driving. No one gives a damn, outside of immediate family members maybe.


There's an element of resentment because all the non-celebretards who get put away for drunk driving don't get to whine about it in a public forum with cameras rolling. She is a person with no appreciable skills, ability, or talent who gets attention completely disproportionate to the impact of anything she's involved with.

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She is a person with no appreciable skills, ability, or talent who gets attention completely disproportionate to the impact of anything she's involved with.

Youch!! Absolutely true, but YOUCH anyway :D .



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OK, she's a symptom, not the disease. The idea that inherited wealth and some sort of attractive physical appearance are more important than what goes on in any other person's life is a bizarre outcome of popular culture.

Every day hundreds (thousands) of people get sent up the river for drunk driving. No one gives a damn, outside of immediate family members maybe.

There's an element of resentment because all the non-celebretards who get put away for drunk driving don't get to whine about it in a public forum with cameras rolling. She is a person with no appreciable skills, ability, or talent who gets attention completely disproportionate to the impact of anything she's involved with.



I understand all that. All I'm saying is a more appropriate reaction would be to shake your head. I just don't get the venom.


BTW...Is her sentence what an ordinary citizen would get for the same crime? I don't know, but it seems harsher than what most people get although most celebs get less than you or me.


Hell, Chris Henry of the Cincinnati Bengals has been arrested for DUI, possession, brandishing a firearm, and driving on a suspended license and he hasn't spent 45 days in jail

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SEND HER DUMBASS TO JAIL!! Just because she is rich does that give her the right to flaunt, ignore, spindle and mutilate the laws. What has she done other the film clip that makes her more important than to serve her sentence?

Has she saved any lives? Has she defended the constitution? Has she found a cure for AIDS? No! NO! NO!

Stop the media bull{censored} on her. make her serve her time and be done with it. All these mindless idiots out there should find something more constructive than start a stupid pettition for that useless blonde!!

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Hell, Chris Henry of the Cincinnati Bengals has been arrested for DUI, possession, brandishing a firearm, and driving on a suspended license and he hasn't spent 45 days in jail


Well, football players are in a whole separate category for permissive enabling :rolleyes: Besides, the guy is already sentenced to playing for the Bengals, so what could be worse? :p Don't they have a house-arrest detention facility built into the stadium? :p :p

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She got a DUI and some other things, drove with a suspended license, yadda yadda...I don't know what because I don't pay attention to this stuff. And violated parole? Someone wrote that here. Whatever it is, I hope that the jail sentence is equivalent to what anyone else would get regardless of their celebrity status or not. That seems reasonable.

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And violated parole?


Probation. She can't be paroled until she does her jail time. :blah:


Meanwhile, anyone else see this one on R. Kelly:


Five years and six albums later, still no trial on kiddie porn charges:rolleyes:

While suspects have a right to demand a swift trial, they're not obliged to ask for one -- especially if they calculate that speed isn't in their best interests.

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Well, football players are in a whole separate category for permissive enabling
Besides, the guy is already sentenced to playing for the Bengals, so what could be worse?
Don't they have a house-arrest detention facility built into the stadium?


Them's fightin' words! If you've bothered to notice, the Bengals are actually a pretty good team these days although last season was pretty disappointing (8-8) Thugs like Chris Henry, however are cancerous to any team.


I heard Chris Henry can't join huddles anymore....His probation disallows him to associate with known felons (weak drumroll)


The only question is....how are you gonna stop 85?chad.gif

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Who's this thread about, anyhow?



Let's put the focus back on the VICTIM... Paris Hilton!


Thank GOODNESS, there's is FINALLY something we, the LITTLE PEOPLE can do:

Paris Logs On for Freedom: Paris Hilton has posted a blog on her MySpace page that urges visitors to sign an online petition that asks authorities for leniency.





The ONE THING I'm TERRIFIED of is that some mean-spirited person might just start a countervailing petition asking for her to get salted away until she's as old as she is stupid... I mean... she'd be older than Methuselah when she got out.

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Who's this thread
, anyhow?

Let's put the focus back on the VICTIM... Paris Hilton!

Thank GOODNESS, there's is FINALLY something we, the LITTLE PEOPLE can do:

Paris Logs On for Freedom
: Paris Hilton has posted a blog on her MySpace page that urges visitors to sign an online petition that asks authorities for leniency.


The ONE THING I'm TERRIFIED of is that some mean-spirited person might just start a
petition asking for her to get salted away until she's as old as she is stupid... I mean... she'd be older than Methuselah when she got out.


Is it just me or does that petition sound almost tongue-in-cheek it's so cheesy?




That's Hot

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