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Golias and others: cigar box guitars


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I lack video-making skills (and fear stalkers :poke:) but I'll attach some photos for now and try to throw together a quick MP3 of how it sounds later.


Mine is made from an actual Cuban cigar box (made in Canada where you can buy them, no trade embargoes were broken in the making of this guitar), a stick that goes through the body, three okay-ish tuners, and home-made bridge, nut & string-tree hardware designed to deliberately look shoddy. Oh, and some steel mesh resonator holes made from screen-door material.


There's a piezo pickup in it so I can plug it into amps (sounds great through a good ol' Pignose which I gave to my niece for Christmas, but does okay with just about everything, including D.I.)


The "frets" are drawn on with a sharpie (in the wrong places. The octave is an entire note and a half off, and can't exactly adjust intonation on these things), while the "inlays" are actually shallow holes made with the tip of a 1/4" hand drill.


I bought it used for $65 from some friendly yuppie out in the cake-eater suburbs. Lord knows what he paid for it.


I've used it once or twice as a "novelty" guitar in performance, and keep it on the wall as a display piece, but my favorite thing to do with it is sit around improving simple slide-blues on it for my own amusement.

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I've been interested in building one. I've got a cuban cigar box*, but I don't know if the dimensions are right for it. It's made of wood (cedar?) and about 6" cubed. Not the traditional cigar box shape, but with that depth, it might resonate pretty well..


* customs laws were broken for this one.

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