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Think I have been scammed.... How to handle it?


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ok, so i purchased a guitar on another forum from a member with No posts or references. I used my credit card through paypal so i can claim fraud if he scams me, and so i am protected and am pretty sure to get my money back if he does scam me.


so he sends me a tracking number on saturday and it didnt work. I didnt think to much of it and figured it was just typed wrong. I talked to him and he gave me the same number which still did not work, but i still just figured he had the number wrong or something... no big deal IMHO.


He said if it doesnt arrive wednesday to let him know. It never came and i called him, he said it shuold be there thursday for sure and that if it doesnt show for some reason then to call him again.


It never showed thursday, so i made another call. He said he will call The post office and find out whats wrong. He calls me back and tells me that he gave them the tracking number and they told him its in my city but not been delivered, and that it should be here friday(today). He gave me the # he supposedly called and i called them, they tell me again that the Tracking number is not showing anything and that it doesnt show up in their system.... so how did he get the tracking info???!?


I have been pretty weary since i first bought the guitar, I honestly feel I have been scamm'd and I really just want to get my guitar or my money.


I dont want to be to quick to jump on the accusation bandwagon and want to believe the guy, but he apparently shipped it a week ago and i Have been given a false tracking number and I feel hes just pushing me arround. I haver been told 3 times to call the next day if it never shows, and each time im reassured it will be here the next day.


What would you do? I have alot of references and am an honest person, I know what its like to have some shipping problems and things, but im always honest and this just doesnt feel right. of all my deals ive never had any problems and never been jipp'd.


But then again if he is scamming, why does he still answer his phone and stuff?


How should i handle this?

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The error I made using Paypal was using direct withdrawl from my bank account instead of a credit card.

I'd let the weekend go by. If by mid-week you have no decent tracking info I'd call in a chargeback on your credit card and file a case with Paypal.

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Delivery confirmation numbers from USPS are not tracking numbers and cannot be used as tracking numbers before the item is delivered.
Maybe the seller can get info because he insured it. Ask him for the insurance number too. There should be separate insurance and delivery confirmation numbers. I've never been able to find a local post office phone number, just go there and see what they can do for you tomorrow morning.
Good luck!

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Sorry to hear that, mate. You may had been scammed. However, I also have to say that USPS has been screwing up a lot lately. I've had THREE packages get lost via priority mail in less than two months. and they are never able to do anything about it. I was so pissed the first time it happened to me.. I called several times and they refused to return my money, because they said there's no guarantee. Two of those packages appeared after a month and a half, the third is still missing in action. :/



I don't know what to tell you really.

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sucks iplay' - I know that sometimes, web based tracking isn't always the best. I had 2 guitars shipped from Germany and even though I had a tracking number, the web site couldn't tell me jack. What's different in your case is that you called the P.O. and struck out when the seller said he had success in tracking it. I'm guessing you can't do squat to locate the package until Tuesday (this stuff ALWAYS happens on a long weekend for some reason). It smells fishy but at least the seller is communicating. I would give it until Tuesday to arrive (email the seller and let him know the deadline) at which point you should file a claim with Paypal (not your credit card company yet, if you do it ties Paypals hands) They will then email the seller and he must respond within 10 days and it goes from there.

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I'll agree, tracking a USPS package just ain't gonna happen.. How far away is he? How was it sent? If it was priority, then be worried.. If it wasn't, then be patient. You have 30 days to get the claim started with Paypal.. Tell him that on day 20, the claim gets filed. That'll either get it shipped, or scare him into silence, at which time I'd go ahead and file the claim. Where does this guy live? Post a name!

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Doesn't sound like a scam,+ USPS doesn't track parcel post, it will show.........

Was it shipped :

First Class

Point A TO B :

Next door
Diff Country
East to West Coast

$ Value of Item


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USPS takes forever and their tracking system never works, trust me. For a long time, it was the only way I could deal guitars locally. I would say wait it out for another week. If it doesn't arrive by then, then I would probably go ahead and place a claim before your 30 days is up.

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Better talk to your Postmaster. If it's mail fraud and you can prove it he'll get 5 years. It doesn't sound like he's very bright if you know his home or cell phone number and he's ripping you off, then again it could be a Phone booth or a Track Phone. I hope it's just the Post Office screwing up again. If you have a criminal case you better follow through or you'll lose your money, thats what some scamers hope you'll do.

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Well, your first mistake was agreeing to let him ship USPS. YOU DO NOT SHIP GUITARS VIA THE POSTAL SERVICE!!!! They are unreliable with big ticket items (and I think you are limited to $500 for insurance).


You ALWAYS make sure it goes through UPS, so you ALWAYS have a valid tracking status.


Anyway, give until the end of tomorrow and then file a claim.

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