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new amp day!!! marshall/peavy bastard stack content!


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just made the last payment on my bastard stack and finally got to bring it home! i love it. got some great blues crunch out of my silvertone through it. got some great metal tone outta it through my friends ibanez. got some great rock tone outta it through my tele! pretty good cleans too.


it's a peavey valveking 100h and a marshall MC212 cab. the cab is english made not chinese!!! unfortunately, the valvekings ARE chinese. oh well, it still sounds great. i also got a peavey foot switch with it, but i'm not too impressed with that. it's cheap plastic, but atleast it works well.


so here comes the sexy pics!! sorry for the {censored}ty quality, my DSLR is at my drummer's house so i'm stuck with my P.O.S. nikon l12 point and shoot :cry:


heres the stack with my tele. btw, the tele is half way through modding, so it's kinda ugly right now. still to be added; WBW pickguard, SD jazz in the neck, Lil' 59 in bridge, and Bigsby vibrato.




a few angle shots....






current tone settings....took me awhile to dial in but final product sounds great IMHO.







here's just the cab. it's a closed back, so i took off the back to see what speakers are in it. "Designed for marshall by celestion" is all it says. i'm thinkin of switchin 'em out. any ideas?




here's the footswitch. TERRIBLE quality but it works.




heres just a shot to see how poor the quality is.




heres the back of the marshall



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I knew, one way or another, that I was gonna feel sorry for some piece of Marshall equipment. :cop:


You can always buy one of the generic two button steel case footswitches from you local guitar shop too, assuming the Peaveys are tip/ring/sleeve and not some weird control pin thing.


You know what speakers are in the cab? Grats btw, though it would look prettier with a JVM or something on top of it :p

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You know what speakers are in the cab? Grats btw, though it would look prettier with a JVM or something on top of it


haha if only i had the money for a jvm! and they're "designed for marshall by celestion" i'll probably replace them eventually :thu:



...um it looks like a solid hard rock rig? haha...


haha no worries dude it is a good metal rig. i just don't really like metal. thats why i'm putting the Jazz and the lil'59 in it.

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That Tele is going to kick serious ass once you replace that ugly pickguard and those EMG's! By the way, who is that in your avatar?



i know it's gonna be sick! i'm so excited! and that's my girlfriend, melissa. why do you ask?

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