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What trem for my strat project


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That's true, but the OP didn't state that he had an MIM or import Strat. From what he's posted it sounds like he has a body with no holes drilled so he could use either a 2-point or 6-point.



Not even a body at this stage, but yes, no holes drilled so I can go either way

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I like the 2-pointers as well, but the bodies I had were pre-drilled Fender vintage.

The trem claw is the one thing I don't like about Wilkinson trems. They aren't the same width as Fenders so if you want to use one you have to drill new trem claw holes. Bah! They should have made them standard.

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I like the 2-pointers as well, but the bodies I had were pre-drilled Fender vintage.

The trem claw is the one thing I don't like about Wilkinson trems. They aren't the same width as Fenders so if you want to use one you have to drill new trem claw holes. Bah! They should have made them standard.



Or use the original claw?

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Or use the original claw?


Anyway, I'm none the wiser now - for every recommendation for the 2 pivot there is one for the vintage style, and that's without bringing the Wilkinsons into the equation:confused::confused::confused:

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So... you were expecting agreement? Here?

Your poll shows 10-7 in favor of vintage at the moment.

This is very true - I should've thought of that! I suppose I wanted someone to come along and say with authority that they've tried both and because of this or that, a [insert trem type here] has the best mix of tone and feel.

Oh well...

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anymore for anymore? I'm pretty much decided on a 2 point trem but I can still be swayed by a good argument.

Also, does anyone know where I can get a 2 point trem with a tipped arm, rather than the bare metal one on the GFS page?

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I have MIM's and MIA, strats. I use Wilky 2 and 6 point, Callaham vintage 6 point MIM retrofit and Floyds. My fave is the Wilky 6 point from guitar fetish. It sounds as good as the Callaham at half the price. It stays in tune well even with vintage tuners. I use it on all my builds.

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A little OT, but for those that can step back from sixty years of tradition and view it objectively for a moment, does it strike anyone else that these trems in general are just really, really weird tech? I mean, it's like they came from some planet where the engineers never developed real hinges, or bearings, or cams, or detents... the whole concept of trying to (literally) fine-tune machinery, especially critical adjustments, with partially-inserted wood screws (on both ends) just strikes me as bizarre. I don't think I've ever seen another mechanism like it.



I completely agree. I started playing only a few years ago, well into my adult life, and it's one of the things I find most surprising about the culture of guitar playing, the attachment to 50-year-old solutions, the resistance to technological innovation.


The best vibrato (just calling it a tremolo marks a weird allegiance to Leo Fender's errors) units I've experienced are the Parker Fly, which uses ball bearings and a flat spring inside the body of the guitar, and the Point Classic, which uses two needle bearings aligned in the direction of the string pull. Both seem to me superior to vintage-style units in terms of smoothness of operation, tuning stability, and ease of setup. Neither has any significant market penetration.


I'm planning to have a Trem-King installed on one of my guitars; I'll file a report when the installation is complete.

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final (yeah right!) question regarding the trems - how much more sensitive are the 2 points over the vintage? I've tried one of each in my local shop and I don't think they were set up brilliantly - all I had to do was look at the 2 point and it wobbled. Can they be set up to be a little bit more solid?

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