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  1. Oh, so we can ask you about the $200 OLP guitars that Ed Roman retopped and then labeled as EBMM guitars for $2000? Also, you created an account just to bump a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD thread to tell people to stop bad talking him? Seriously?
  2. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I wonder whatever happened to her.
  3. Seriously. Remember when we used to have to bump threads after just a couple hours to keep them on the first page?
  4. Yeah, so HC committing seppuku many moons ago hasn't killed my GAS. It only got worse. Apparently this place rose from the digital ashes several months ago and I just discovered that a week or two ago. Are there any familiar faces around here anymore? Anybody shocked to see me? LOL
  5. I don't have any pics, but I want to find a Jet City JCA100HDM, but I can't seem to find them anywhere around me.
  6. Right on Eric..Glad to hear it:thu: Damon thanks for the support. :thu: I haven't had a chance to get back to you, but I installed the set of BG Buckers in my buddy's birthday Les Paul... Gawd damn!!! You did it again, bro. They're amazingly sweet. He's going to be amazingly happy with them. One day, sometime in the future, I'll have a nice ice tea burst Les Paul that I'll need you to wind me a set of pickups like Jimmy Page's #2...
  7. Nope, don't agree, he's every bit the same as us, or as different as we all are anyway. This. Just because he's a moderator doesn't mean he doesn't have an opinion. It's his job to keep people from being assholes to the rest of the forum. He's never abused his powers and he's not the type that ever will.
  8. Frets99 is just like the rest of us normal posters, except he has a user interface that has a couple of extra buttons that we don't have. Besides, he doesn't have a a normal poster hat and a moderator hat -- I've heard that he has a mean kimono with the word Moderator on the back. All of us measly normal posters out here wear our H-C ponchos. I like the username of the person that posted this reality check.
  9. Hey, I dig banter. I love learning things. Adequation is a word and has a definition which I think is in keeping with my usage of the two words in question; cheap and inexpensive. Here's the definition of adequation: # equivalence; A change in the meaning of a term depending upon context That's exactly what I said. Context affords more virtue to inexpensive than cheap. I will also say that, what I consider inexpensive gear can be the same piece of equipment purchased at a blowout price. If I could get get an SRV strat for, say $999 instead of the going $2000 price tag, I'd be so stoked!!! Apparently I goofed or something. When I looked up adequation last night on dictionary.com it came up with zero results. Looked it up again this morning and it did come up with a definition from Webster. Weird... Anyhow, it is a word. Regardless, like you said, "cheap" can refer to price but tends to also infer low quality while "inexpensive" just refers to price. Saying that, I consider GFS stuff to be inexpensive. Sure, it may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it's not cheap crap. There are some also some Duncans and DiMarzios that I really don't like, either, but I won't call them cheap crap simply because they do not deliver the tone I'm looking for.
  10. Like I said you have your opinion and I have mine. But if I was having trouble getting my $4000 guitar to sound right, you could bet your ass, I'd talk to Jay and Bryan first. I was in a GC recently and a fellow came in with a sweet jazz box. I can't remember the maker but was easily a $3000 to $4000 guitar. He was experimenting with some digital reverb pedal. I came over to him because I knew that he wasn't sporting a run of the mill GC guitar. As we got to talking, he explained that he had been playing out at an open mic kind of thing and had an old Peavey SS amplifier and was looking to open up his sound and give it a little more beef. He realized that getting an expensive amp would do it but he didn't have the skosh right now. He asked what I thought of the sound he was getting out of the pedal. I told him it sounded like the pedal was robbing his guitar of it's lows. I told him that for the sound he was looking for, a nice used Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue might do the trick and that he ought to consider doing that at some point just to get the full effect of his beautiful guitar. I could also have steered him towards Victoria amps which sound sublime. However, I was sensitive to his immediate need and steered him towards the Boss FDR pedal. He was using an SS and this pedal has the capacity to add warmth to SS amps. It also could add the slightest touch of overdrive for sweet fattening and a touch of reverb as well. That's what he bought. I figured that'd hold him until he got it together for a better amp. That's how I roll. Look for the right tool at the right time to do the job. I'd never tell the OP that a more expensive pup would be a waste of money. But I would also tell him that the particular pup he's asking about per my personal experience would be a good choice for a semi hollow guitar. No BS. Just facts. I think this could be summed up by saying "Why spend money just to spend the money when something that costs less will do exactly what you want?" That's how I roll. I've been playing lots of inexpensive (not cheap) guitars, like MIM Fenders, Epis, MeanStreet Exiles, and AllParts partscasters. I don't have one guitar that's cost more than $550 after all is said and done. I also have played live through a PODxt Live through the house PA. Yet I get compliments on my tone from other guitarists even though I apparently commit every crime against tone there is.
  11. Now as for quality of the pickups, I am not sure. I have only had one GFS pickup and it was not to my liking. What is an adequation? My wife's an English professor and she's never heard the word, so I actually looked it up. The word doesn't exist. If you're going to insult our choice of words to describe things could you please at least insult using words that exist? Also wanted to say you guys are the biggest bunch of girls around. Stop crying and play some guitar. The internet is supposed to be for people who can't handle real the stress of real world situations. If you can't handle the stress of the internet where are you going to turn?! Aren't you on the internet crying?
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