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Everything posted by Zamfir

  1. And if this thread gets locked or otherwise screwed on the transfer to HC 2.0, Bonoman, S'Lou, and any other TK vets should head over to the ebassist continuation of the same.
  2. Well, we're not quite sure what the lumps are, but the blood test came back negative for cancer. *happy dance*
  3. Thanks, all. Kitteh has not one but two lumps in his neck. They drew blood. Analysis should be back tomorrow. He may have cancer. He keeps jumping in my lap a lot today.
  4. My cat has a very large swelling in his left neck. Apparently my wife noticed this in September. She tried and failed to get to the vet in Berlin. (Wimminz and geography. ) He's going to the vet today, in Romania. Seems otherwise happy and active, but this feels like one walnut-size gland problem.
  5. Scheduled my first dentist appointment in 7 years today Not going to be pretty. So? Do you still have teef?
  6. goes to Facebook, Likes fruno's website find
  7. Non-geeks... Occasional geeks...
  8. hello TK! ...in Soviet Russia, TK greets you.
  9. You have the cutest avatar ever. Monkeys are cool. Your avatar reminds me of an old lady asking for her senior discount. Pitiful, stupid old woman.
  10. I always hated updating windows.... Wake up, start drinking! You can't drink until you install a beer in your glass. Now reboot.
  11. Windows patching has always been a very lousy process. Install this. No, you can't install that until you install the other thing. That's done. Reboot. Now you can install these things. You can't install those things until these things are installed. Reboot. NOW you can finally install these things. Oh, and reboot. Spot on, I say. I'm off to reboot...
  12. Heh. Yet another reason I'm happy to remain on XP Pro until I put together a new computer and throw Win7 on it. It's the spousal unit's puter. That said, I've always had to d/l service packs for every version of Windows, and it's never been much fun.
  13. Updating Vista service packs on the spousal unit's computer...not so kick ass.
  14. epic thread is still epic. Kick ass! [/Gerp]
  15. I'm sure I posted some great stuff in the last 8 days, only I have no recollection of what.
  16. Newsgroups were good times. Shame a lot of ISP's just don't want to carry them anymore They barely wanted to carry them before. Posts typically disappeared after 2 weeks. I have no idea how Google managed to archive most of USENET.
  17. Hey, I had email in '89, too! Okay, so it was only for that given BBS, but still! Didn't really get internet access until... '93? Even then, it was good old text-based. I still remember the fun of newsgroups and whatnot back then... and using a shell on a Linux box (or BSD or whatever) to do this stuff oooooo...all the time I spent on newsgroups...
  18. My wife said it's okay, and it happens to a lot of guys Reminds me of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, when they meet Jason Biggs, and Jay says "Hey, you're that guy that {censored}ed the pie". And Biggs says "You see! It's never "Hey! You're that guy from Loser" or "Hey you rocked in Boys and Girls." No, it always comes back to that {censored}ing pie! I'm HAUNTED by it!" I'll always be haunted by that one beer sleep It's all right. Full disclosure requires me to inform you that my name is Chief Two Beer. I've never seen the movie with the pie. Which movie is that again?
  19. Originally Posted by Hearafter Just today? I just cracked my first cold one... probably gonna drunk-post later. I am sooooo disappointed in your silence. But, I hereby award you your new Native American name, Falls Asleep After One-Beer! That's Chief One Beer, for short.
  20. Originally Posted by mrcrow Now you know why I never invite you to dinner... ...Scrooge...
  21. Tonight confirmed yet again that I have never met a Sauvignon Blanc I've liked.
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