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Why guitars are better.


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Why are guitars better than girlfriends/boyfriends:

1) A guitar doesn't mind if you pick up another guitar.

2) A guitar won't get mad if you leave it in the car & go in the bar for a beer.

3) It doesn't care if you look at pics of other guitars.

4) If you drop your guitar you can pick it back up again.

Let's hear some more. Be creative.

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Why are guitars better than girlfriends/boyfriends:

1) A guitar doesn't mind if you pick up another guitar.

2) A guitar won't get mad if you leave it in the car & go in the bar for a beer.

3) It doesn't care if you look at pics of other guitars.

4) If you drop your guitar you can pick it back up again.

Let's hear some more. Be creative.

Your guitar maybe, my guitar gets pissed off if I do any of those :)

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Guitars don't give you an ear-full for leaving the toilet seat up

Guitars don't seem to need yet another pair of shoes (although they sometimes need yet another amp)

You don't need to pretend that the cat left that terrible smell in front of the guitar.

Guitars sit quietly, with interest, as you watch the football

Guitars don't ask you whether you think the lounge would look better in eggshell white, when you are trying to read the newspaper

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