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do you have a piece of music you're happy with?


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here is a somewhat electronica/metal/prog piece in G minor:thu:

It is significant to me as it was one of the first songs in which I programmed all of the drum parts instead of using drum loops. I also dig some of the dissonant background chords in the background.



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I guess the other tune that I'd play for people is a track I recorded called


The full title is "Beyond the Reach of Time" and was written for Tammo Trueper,

a forum member and musician from Bremen, Germany who died of cancer back

in 2006.

I never met him in person but we had similarities in production and

composing style and was written as a kind of requiem. We were going

to try a collaboration but his health issues made it impossible unfortunately.

I also was thinking of Shawn Lane while writing it, yet another musician who

died before his time IMHO.

Here's a link for a higher quality MP3 although the track is also on my

myspace page under the name of "Time".

It also is the link for Tammo's tribute site so you can hear his music and his solo cd Panoptikum which

he managed to complete before he died playing all instruments.

In my tune time I played the guitar, keyboards, bass synth (my six string bass just didn't seem

appropriate on that track), and did the drum loop manipulation.

If I wanted to play someone an example of my abiding interest of "making a guitar sound as little

like a guitar as possible without synthesizers" I'd advise them to check out my Easter Sunday loop

over at
and see how that works for them.

What you hear on that track is all guitar thru effects into a looper.



great music! I love the largeness and ambiance of the sound. Your use of volume swells is very fitting and tasteful as well. It is a very touching piece, the feel of the song really captures a bit of the situation from which it was composed.

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here is a somewhat electronica/metal/prog piece in G minor:thu:

It is significant to me as it was one of the first songs in which I programmed all of the drum parts instead of using drum loops. I also dig some of the dissonant background chords in the background.



David MGT,

Very cool,

Kinda King Crimson meets NIN? very cool textures.. interesting how you really went for the dynamics.. solid production too..


liked this one lots,, thats kinda the stuff i try for but i cant seem to get the crashing chords right yet.


oh and thanks for digging my little tune experiments,, im not going to monopolize this thread.. but i will be adding a few more and hope you and every one else will do like wise... its a bout the music!!


and Redundant Shrimp, glad you got the vibe of those too, the Elephant waltz was my effort to have as minimal a Backing Track as possible,, one bass note one tom and a C Chord on panio,, and then just a witches brew of affected guitar tracks,, its one of my favorites but its a acquired taste, as for Falling up, its all major keys, scary? well ok thats one of my most mellow efforts.. but if it sounded scary,,, lots of air on that track and float.. it was fun to play with..

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Very cool,

Kinda King Crimson meets NIN? very cool textures.. interesting how you really went for the dynamics.. solid production too..

liked this one lots,, thats kinda the stuff i try for but i cant seem to get the crashing chords right yet.

oh and thanks for digging my little tune experiments,, im not going to monopolize this thread.. but i will be adding a few more and hope you and every one else will do like wise... its a bout the music!!



Thanks for the listen. I am happy you liked the piece. Adrian Belew and NIN are two of my favorites, so you are right on concerning the influences.


here are some similar pieces - if you are interested in any of the instrument tracks let me know, I'd be happy to send them your way. The second one actually uses NIN drum parts.





Post as many pieces as you like! I'll be listening:thu:

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I have a 9 minute Queen/Meatloaf-ish arena cock-rock piece that is 90% done. I'm waiting on a guest vocal and guitar solo from a guy, then I'll do my vocals, drums, and finish the mixing. It already has over 50 tracks, so I'm not going to screw around with the mixing anymore until I have all the pieces.

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cool.... what do you plan on doing with it?... do you play other instruments or are you in a band?



Band split up but I do play pretty much everything well enough to throw together a demo. When I get time I'll probably write some more parts and multitrack it. Maybe do an instrumental.

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I totally agree, i have lots of silly tunes and im am sure a few or more will make it to this thread.. i hope others will consider posting their favorite musical efforts,, or even the ones they dont like so much.. just a creative outlet..


Cool thread

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My shot at Electric Blues,

Ok here one i did when i got angry, some dude was telling me you need to replace this and that and this other stuff... and i was like "na i like my tone as it is" and he was like "well these guitars only sound good if you replace the pups" and i tell him well do me a sound test of your guitar and i will do one of mine.. he did the first few bars of "Mother" and then parts of some red hot peppers tune, the slow parts..on his guitar he modded with this and that new bits here and there. and i did this tune.. called Cheap Pickups and Pots In Texas.. Im not even a pretty good blues player but i think i at least got some pretty nice blues tones.. its very raggy and stuff but it a proof of concept.. :)


Im not saying its MIM Fender standards or any thing but i think this little 62 dollar guitar did a pretty nice job on a Texas blues kinda vibe,


well i was kinda happy with it at the time although it was just sper of the moment.. and not mixed at all.. excuse the slop

the picture is of the guts on my SX SE.


Cheap Pickups and Pots in Texas


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My shot at Electric Blues,

Ok here one i did when i got angry, some dude was telling me you need to replace this and that and this other stuff... and i was like "na i like my tone as it is" and he was like "well these guitars only sound good if you replace the pups" and i tell him well do me a sound test of your guitar and i will do one of mine.. he did the first few bars of "Mother" and then parts of some red hot peppers tune, the slow parts..on his guitar he modded with this and that new bits here and there. and i did this tune.. called Cheap Pickups and Pots In Texas.. Im not even a pretty good blues player but i think i at least got some pretty nice blues tones.. its very raggy and stuff but it a proof of concept..

Im not saying its MIM Fender standards or any thing but i think this little 62 dollar guitar did a pretty nice job on a Texas blues kinda vibe,

well i was kinda happy with it at the time although it was just sper of the moment.. and not mixed at all.. excuse the slop

the picture is of the guts on my SX SE.

Cheap Pickups and Pots in Texas


that is awesome! it sounds like a vintage recording (in a very, very good way) - your sense of rhythm and groove really shows in this piece.

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I still like this thread and its cool hearing others original compositions, so here is my shot at ambient, head space kinda stuff, again some bits are Rough and disjointed but the ideas are there.. just sketches but its a nice creative outlet,

enjoy if you wish

The Elephants Waltz in Bmin

Hour Glasses

Falling UP




you're one creative dude


liked elephants waltz and faiing up the best



i like experimental music... it began for me when i became a pink floyd fan at the age of 12

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This thread is epic. I love it. Used to hang out on the songwriting forum but this is way better. Sorry I don't get to comment on everybody's stuff individually, but I've listened to most of it. Keep it coming. Listening to all this has really kicked my ass back into gear to get some actual work done. Thanks. :thu:

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i have to split... stuff to do... will listen to the others later

i'm keen to see pics of people's recording setup if anyone feels like posting them.... i'm rearranging my room today... due to the addition of a monitor for my macbook pro... and a couple of other things... will post a few pics later

also really keen to hear about the recording process/equipment used for songs posted

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you're one creative dude

liked elephants waltz and faiing up the best

i like experimental music... it began for me when i became a pink floyd fan at the age of 12


I think i like just about every kinda of music, hell even country with in reason ;),, glad you liked elephant waltz,, i tried to go as minimal as possible and just fill i up with weird stuff.. i dig those textual kinda things,, and stuff thats not 4/4 the most.. its a challenge to get the timing right when start to experiment with weird cadence but im a rhythm guitarist by nature so thats where my head is at.. but its all in fun... all styles even jazz, and or some of my sorry Thrashy stuff.. a bunch of its crap.. but what the heck... i dont mind posting my silly efforts.. if..



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dug that a lot man
... guitar sounds were cool... and again the bass is really good

speaking of drums... i've been playing the drums in logic with my roland v drum kit through midi... it's very cool (although i'll soon be getting an awesome programme called bfd2)... what i love about it is my v drum kit has stereo outs... which means i can't have a dedicated track for each sound... i can though when i play ultrabeat through midi... it's awesome

as a fellow mac/logic user... do you use a controller or a mouse?.... i picked up a behringer bcf2000 the other day.... 8 motorised faders... cheap... i'm digging it... i run it in logic control emulation mode....would have loved to get the mackie unit but it costs about 8 times as much... and there's other things i need to get first

thanks for the listen:thu: For the drumparts I mostly use Logic's Ultrabeat. Ultrabeat gives you access to all of the available kits, plus you can then shape the sounds with a variety of synths-some of the distortion options are wild!
I also find the interface of ultrabeat really useful. I usually develop the beats with my mouse either in advance (it is fun to experiment with it!) and build music around the beat (I did that with the piece you commented on) or once i have a basic progression going, I'll develop a beat.

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This thread is epic. I love it. Used to hang out on the songwriting forum but this is way better. Sorry I don't get to comment on everybody's stuff individually, but I've listened to most of it. Keep it coming. Listening to all this has really kicked my ass back into gear to get some actual work done. Thanks.

I agree! This thread has been a blast! I like listening to great original music! Keep 'em coming:thu:

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i have to split... stuff to do... will listen to the others later

i'm keen to see pics of people's recording setup if anyone feels like posting them.... i'm rearranging my room today... due to the addition of a monitor for my macbook pro... and a couple of other things... will post a few pics later

also really keen to hear about the recording process/equipment used for songs posted

to quote Doug Adams,



I really dont want to be that guy " Look what i did!" so im going to let others post up some original things but i do have a little bit to contribute.. on this question as far as gear goes..


I gave up guitar 4 years ago because i was fed up with weak sounding solid state amps and not getting my ideas down like i wanted.. my influences like Andy Summers, and Adrian Belew, David Gilmoure, Robert Fripp,, kinda demand a wall of affected guitars to get that kind of vibe... so i just gave it up,, i just could not get there with a Studio Pro 40 and a DSP 256.. so i got an old Acoustic and just stayed with that for a long time, learning Dylan, Young,..gave me a new apprecation for the song as a whole, chordal structure.. best thing i ever did for my playing.. then 3 or 4 months ago i was on E Bay and started thing i think i would like to play guitar again.. so i read reviews on the Podxt tried one out and was very pleased with what it did.. then i heard of this new software amp software called Guitar Rig... tried out the demo.. WOW.. i was shocked i could finally get those huge sounds i was looking for.. weird things, Backwards guitar, gated verbs, cool multi-tap.. the list is endless, and not a patch chord or nine volt batt to contend with... so this what i ended up with.. well enough of that


i use a Pod XT for serving the affects and taking the load of the sound card and i use a Guitar Rig 3 for Amp Simulations and Cabs.. is it the perfect system. NO.. but if you dont with to cart around amps and a freaking huge rack of effects and a big board of pedals.. it covers all the bases for me.. and i like the tones and colors i get from it.. so much so i will never buy a conventional amp and pedal ever again. the only problem is i cannot really rock out when recording because i am connected to headphones.. but i feel that also helps my playing a geat deal as far as getting inside the music, when listening for where to places to accent or playing to a delay or what ever.. sorry for the long winded post,, i record with either Guitar Rig 3 DAT or FL8, but i have recently tried Sonar and REALLY LIKE IT.. so Sonar 8.. FTW


my gear

PODXT > Gutar Rig 3 > Amd dualCore 3.2 mhz..


SX SE strat copy stock

Electa Phoenix


if i can find a better picture of my rig i will post it up but here



and thats it,, nothing more to see here folks ;)

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CMS, nice slide playing, Im a HUGE fan of Robert Johnson, one of my most favoite tunes is Knophlers Romeo and Juilet played on Dobro..


this thread should not die!! ;)


OK i guess i will bump the thread a bit, here is one i really like but the production quality is horrid... pisses me off every time i hear it because i should have planned it out better and taken it into FL8 or Sonar. the backing track was done by a fellow musican AXOS, from AGF forum and i added 4? guitar tracks it got too muddie but the idea is there and its a huge rippoff of one of my fav bands... but still fun to play with.. trying to get that Stingy Bass tone... i like it at least.


Here Comes the Fake Police http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7210505

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so if someone asked you if they could listen to your music what would you show them?

after all... it's all about making music yeah?




in my sig is an improvised tune, with improvised lyrics, thats what i love about improvisation, get your band all comunicating with each other and its easy to come up with stuff on the spot.

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