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Great cheapass guitars?

LR Weizel

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The Squier Bullet Strat's a good guitar. I got a good one and I play mine all the time. I tried the Squier Tele Custom and that's a great guitar too. Xavieres are sweet too. So I'd get one of those 3 guitars, they're all good for a low price.

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Peavey Generations are really nice. They're definitely more substantial than the bottom rung guitars out there. I find that the really cheap ones just turn into throwaways after a while. I've had a Generation EXP (Tele style body with HSS config) for about 5 years. For most of that time, it has been kept on three different boats I've owned. That is a tough environment! Two of the boats did not have AC, yet the guitar still plays extremely well. The temps inside the last boat certainly exceeded 100 degrees on a regular basis-- not to mention the night where it was hovering around freezing (granted, that's not often in Austin).


A little more coin, but a really nice guitar.



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for guitars you can buy for a cheap price brand new, I can vouch for xaviere. (guitarfetish.com) I bought an xv-600 with the buckers a while ago and its quality impressed me for what it cost. I'd put it on the level of your typical $200 - $400 import guitar, but you can buy it for $170ish direct plus shipping. and since $200 - $400 guitars are generally GREAT these days, I guess what I'm saying is that based on my experience with xaviere, you're getting a guitar that is perfectly ready to take you wherever you wanna go. some people say that the stock tuners are a bit cheapy, and that's not an unreasonable point of view, but for me they've held tune just fine -- and it's hard to knit pick when the axe cost $170 and the basic construction is clean. I am toying with the idea of getting another xaviere soon, possibly another xv-600, but with p90s and a maple fretboard this time.


if you can find one of those set neck First Act (FSA? SFA? whatever) guitars floating around like the sheena someone hinted at above, if you can get them for the usual price of $115 or whatever (varies a bit) that's a good deal for a great guitar. sheena, lola, delia. set neck. cheap market value but greatr axes. also check ebay for 'em. I don't know if it should shame me to say this or if it should please me to say it, but the first act lola (both ones I've come across) is seriously one of the best playing guitars I've ever played, and it can be had for not much more than $100 if you manage to find one. sheenas are of similar quality but never struck me as being as amazingly sweet playing as the lolas. from what I understand, this series of first act guitars (the sfa or whatever) was originally designed to be a $350 or $400 guitar, but for one reason or another (would only be pure speculation if I gave the reason) they ended up blowing them all out for $99 direct, and the market value is still that. if you get one for abotu that price, it's a fantastic deal and you're not likely to ever find a better deal in your life.

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best value in cheapass guitars? USED CARVIN GUITARS. They really don't have much in terms of resale value, and there are a lot of ones from the 80's easily obtainable for under $400. other options: samick guitars. Picked up a good strat clone for $35 at a yard sale. yes THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS.

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I've been pretty impressed with Jay Turser guitars. I picked this one up used for $80 off Craig's List to use as a backup/beater guitar. I eventually threw in some spare pickups I had laying around (Duncan Jazz/ 500T) and it sounds great. Turser makes some very nice budget priced guitars.



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