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I have to sell my baby :( metal guitars up to 800?


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I have to let my gibby go to pay of some debts sadly. I was wondering what you guys might think a good prog rock/metal guitar would be around 500-800 bucks or so?


I know tone is subjective, and I do like a wide range of them, but I'm more of a darker kind of tone lover, if that helps at all.


It's sunday and all the shops around me are closed! heh.

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I'd take a look at the PRS SE series...

At your price range, you could even upgrade the pickups if you wanted something different from the stock ones.

If I had to say which model, I'd suggest the singlecuts. They seem to have pups that fit the more "modern / metal" sound more than the others I've tried.

The playability of the guitar, especially the neck, should be easy to adapt to!


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That is a cool guitar.



A guy I work with just picked up this guitar, it plays really nice and is built really well

After trying a ton of guitars (we work in a music store) he norrowed it down to the SE and a Godin Freeway with SD pickups as the best quality for the money


He is going to be teaching guitar (mostly metal) and he was looking for a decent metal guitar under $1000

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A guy I work with just picked up this guitar, it plays really nice and is built really well

After trying a ton of guitars (we work in a music store) he norrowed it down to the SE and a Godin Freeway with SD pickups as the best quality for the money

He is going to be teaching guitar (mostly metal) and he was looking for a decent metal guitar under $1000



The guitar is beautiful looking too. I love purple guitars.

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