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Alternatives to Line 6 Recording Interfaces and Software


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I'm at wit's end with my Line 6 UX2. It seems every time I want to sit down and record an idea, there's always a {censored}ing hardware or software glitch. By the time I figure it out, the creative juices are completely dried up. Thanks for nothing Line 6.


I'm totally done with their software {censored}.


What other user interfaces are out there? How about modeling software similar to POD Farm?



{censored} you Line 6.

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{censored} you Line 6.



And, sadly, software is the only thing they're good at. So, yes, {censored} you Line 6.


I don't know if you're on PC or Mac or what your budget is but:


Mac: Apogee interfaces and Logic or Apogee + Reaper for Mac + free-ware amp sims


PC: RME interfaces + Reaper for PC + any number of okay freeware amp rigs.

example: http://frettedsynth.home.att.net/


The really disturbing aspect of their hardware is the atrocious AD/DA conversion. Just bottom of the barrel stuff.

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Ive also used a toneport for years with no issues, and I switch it between mac and windows. - Don't use a USB hub, else try it on a friends computer. Your USB port might not be up too snuff, and if thats the case any interface will give you problems, unless you switch to firewire.


By the way, you can use a toneport without the Line 6 modeling, and use other software. I use Guitar Rig all the time this way.

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I have a UX 2 and haven't had any problems with it (I use Mac's), but I prefer Native Instruments Guitar Rig 4. I have the Kontrol edition, which comes with a great pedalboard controller, but you can buy the software standalone and use a different interface. I have a Yamaha O1X Firewire DAW that I use with Logic for bigger projects, but when I'm working with my laptop or just want to get something down quickly, I gravitate to my Presonus Firestudio Mobile interface - I like it a lot more than the UX2.

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I bought a Tascam US-144MKII a few weeks back that runs great on my MacBook. No issues whatsoever. Sounds great too. $150 or so. USB 2.0, I've experienced NO latency recording my vocals and electric guitar directly into it. I use Logic 8.0.



Someone loaned me this Tascam while my Presonus was out. They run great on Mac and PC. The guy who loaned it to me said he paid $100 for it. Sounds just as good as my $300 Presonus, minus the 8 extra inputs.


Since I've started using Guitar Rig4 and Amplitube 2, I never use my Line ^ PodXTL to record anymore. I no longer have to spend time EQing the guitar to cut through the mix like I did with Line 6. Both are great programs, with ups and downs in their amps sims. Both kill L6...dead!

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If I were setting up a bulletproof recording rig I think I would go with some of the Tech21 Character pedals straight into the computer and add FX later.





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