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Everything posted by bish0p34

  1. Holy {censored}! Righteous! Watch your mouth in front of a man of God, and that heavenly rig lol...
  2. It kind of looks like there's a full round of blame to go here... What the store employees did is a real scumbag move, and most likely criminal. Their employer should definitely have been informed, and they should be fired. That's straight forward common sense. In that same train of thought of common sense, the "older gentleman" that they ripped off should have some as well (assuming his mental facilities are intact). I don't know if he had family or friends that could have helped him research the value...but just giving them away for nothing, or next to? That's all him. He made the choice to do so. Off the common sense and on to the heart strings... I feel bad for the guy. That was a real raw deal they gave him.
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