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Does anybody else get heat rash from playing guitar?


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I'm not talking about wearing the skin off on your forearm, but rather developing small heat rashes inbetween the fingers as a result from excessive sweating at practice/gigs? Maybe it's just because I live in Phoenix and the temperature doesn't drop below 90 at any point in time right now, but this {censored} bugs the hell out of me! It's right on the knuckle of my middle finger, where it rubs against my ring finger. Heat+moistire=bad times.

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Sounds kinda odd, I've not had this problem but id say you have four routes to go down:

1. Do nothing.

2. Use some kind of over-the-counter ointment/lotion to try and heal it

3. Rub your fingers together more to try and build callus

4. Ask a doctor


Good luck, I hate things like that.

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After doing some research (basically googling 'heat rash ointment' and clicking the first link) it's treatable with calamine lotion or hydrocortisone 1. Good to know. It just sucks that it's almost impossible to keep from sweating in this weather...

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I never did before this year, but I've been playing/practicing in some less-than-ideal conditions (humid basements, un-air conditioned practice rooms), and was wondering why the area between my fingers was getting all weird. Thanks, Dr. HCEG!

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Have you tried a little talc? Years ago I was recording at Criteria Studios in Miami and even with the AC that humidity would seep in. Some engineer gave me a little baby power that they kept around the studio and it worked pretty well.


Slightly off topic, I get a bit of road rash on my forearm like you mentioned. I cut of the top of a black crew sock and were it like a sweat band cuff. (I got the idea years ago from Johnny Thunders who used to cut off the top of socks and wear them on his arms to cover his track marks). Works great for either purpose.

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