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Is This Normal?


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My son is 3. He is a curious little bag of fun. Whenever he asks a question I do my best to provide an honest and informed answer. He always asks about my guitars that are in in every room in the house, and I think nothing of telling him everything I can. He took to reading my guitar magazines a few months back, and now nothing is sacred! He will read anything with a guitar in or on it, and play around with anything with strings on it.

He can name ANY guitar you care to put in front of him, and give the hardware specs for the cast majority of them. He does stumble on some, but for the best part, He's spot on. I've never heard of a 3 year old with this kind of guitar knowledge, or do I not get out enough?

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Wow, that's going to turn into an expensive relationship :)


Haha, really though, sounds like an awesome kid. Get him started young. 3 isn't too young to start teaching him the basics of how to play (if you could get a half or 3/4 size guitar). I started taking violin lessons when I was 5 and I progressed really quickly. Getting started young will ensure that he'll have music in his blood his whole life - the best gift a parent can give their child.

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It's funny, but kids do latch on to things like that. I've let my now 4 year old grandson play my soprano uke since he was 2, and he tells people "My little guitar is at Grampy's house!" :lol::thu:

What are his thoughts on Epi vs Gibson, and Gibby QC? :facepalm:

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Wow, that's going to turn into an expensive relationship

Haha, really though, sounds like an awesome kid. Get him started young. 3 isn't too young to start teaching him the basics of how to play (if you could get a half or 3/4 size guitar). I started taking violin lessons when I was 5 and I progressed really quickly. Getting started young will ensure that he'll have music in his blood his whole life - the best gift a parent can give their child.

Same here. I got started on violin when I was 7. My dad got laid off of his job when I was 10 and that's when the guitar came into my life because the violin lessons stopped. And back then, violin lessons were expensive at $4/hour. In 1962, the equivalent of at least $40/hour today.

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That's a bit ahead of the curve. My 3 & 1/2 year old nephew can tell you the model and basic specs of every tractor he sees (he lives on a farm). He also enjoys strumming on a cheapo acoustic I bought him at a garage sale, and he'll strike a pose and say "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash". Coolest/funniest thing I've ever seen, I think his dad listens to "Live At Folsom" more than I thought.

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That's a bit ahead of the curve. My 3 & 1/2 year old nephew can tell you the model and basic specs of every tractor he sees (he lives on a farm). He also enjoys strumming on a cheapo acoustic I bought him at a garage sale, and he'll strike a pose and say "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash". Coolest/funniest thing I've ever seen, I think his dad listens to "Live At Folsom" more than I thought.

That's funny. My 4 year old grandson(the uke story one) was asked to tell the class something about a picture. He said "That's a combine harvestor". He's a big city boy with a love of everything truck/tractor/heavy equipment. He's got dozens of truck books. The teacher was speechless! :lol:

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