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Picked up a JamHUb last week, used it last night...


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What a great investment. Last spring I started jamming with some friends in my living room on Tuesday nights. It was great fun but with 2 guitarists, a keyboard and bassplayer crammed into my living room the acoustics were definitely a bit crap. At times it was just utter chaos and sitting in certain spots just produces a wall of noise.

Fast forward to today, I now have a 4 month old baby girl who is usually sleeping right upstairs and there is just no way to keep the bass in check regardless of how quiet we play. Combine that with the poor acoustics and something had to give.

So, I talked to my friends about chipping in on a JamHub along with mics, stands, etc and they agreed.

The final pieces came in yesterday just in time for our jam session. The bassist couldn't make it so we didn't get to give it the full test but I got to show everyone else exactly what this thing is capable of. I'm surprised it took this long for something like this to hit the market. No more volume wars, no more not being able to hear what I need to hear. Having individual control to create your own personal mix is awesome.

Since the bassist wasn't there I experimented with taking one of the outputs and feeding it into the line in on my Bass Amp and using it kind of like a PA. That way we could still all play without headphones if we wanted but still easily create a mix that allowed everyone to be heard.

I could also see this being very useful in a live situation where there is no true sound man. Everyone can create their own personal mix for the monitor and use the Recording out to feed a PA with station 1 being able to switch back and forth between his personal mix and the PA mix to make sure things sound good to outsiders.


If you are in a real band or just jam with friends but have to keep the volume down then I highly recommend one. Even if you don't have any volume restrictions its still a great idea.



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thanks for the review! i saw these when they came out and couldn't decide if they were worth it or just crap. I'll have to look a bit further into them when the band starts practicing together again.



Definitely not crap. It works as advertised and IMO represents a phenomenal value. Now if you already have a collection of mixers and headphone amps on hand you could probably cobble together something similar but since I had nothing like that it seemed like a no-brainer.


My only real complaint is the Phantom power, it's all or nothing. I was hoping it would be selectable per station so that we could use cheapo dynamic mics for most people but still have the option of including a nice condenser mic.

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Definitely not crap. It works as advertised and IMO represents a phenomenal value. Now if you already have a collection of mixers and headphone amps on hand you could probably cobble together something similar but since I had nothing like that it seemed like a no-brainer.

My only real complaint is the Phantom power, it's all or nothing. I was hoping it would be selectable per station so that we could use cheapo dynamic mics for most people but still have the option of including a nice condenser mic.



Phantom power wont hurt a dynamic mic (don't use it on a ribbon mic though)

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My only real complaint is the Phantom power, it's all or nothing. I was hoping it would be selectable per station so that we could use cheapo dynamic mics for most people but still have the option of including a nice condenser mic.




Thanks for all the kind words and spreading the news about JamHubs. I love the story about jamming with the kids sleeping. Hey, send us a picture of you guys jamming at home and we'll put it on our Facebook page for the fun of it.


As the guys above said, phantom power is designed to work with nearly all microphones. You'll find most gear will have a global phantom power switch (assuming the gear has phantom power). Use it without worry.


Keep playing!



PS You can't really cobble together a mixer and headphone amps to do the individual mix part. I tried to do it before creating the JamHub and it cost me $700 in mixers and cables and shhhtuff to make a matrix of mixes that couldn't match the capability of what the JamHub BedRoom model can do. A JamHub is really a new device designed to do a specific job that mixers don't do very efficiently (because they are designed to do other things well).


PPS I was surprised too that nobody had made one before, so I quit my job in the worst economy in decades and decided to start a company. :):idea: I'm obviously not the brightest guy you'll ever meet. :p

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Steve - Thanks for stopping by this thread.


My question to you is how is the guitar signal processed in a JamHub? Is it essentially like using a direct box? Would I plug my effects in line with the guitar then into the JamHub or is there an effects loop on each module?


I prefer to use my own effects rather than built in ones...

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Steve - Thanks for stopping by this thread.

My question to you is how is the guitar signal processed in a JamHub? Is it essentially like using a direct box? Would I plug my effects in line with the guitar then into the JamHub or is there an effects loop on each module?

I prefer to use my own effects rather than built in ones...


There is no effect loop or anything, just a TRS input for instruments which isn't effected by the on-board DSP effects. Guitarists (and Bassists) are expected to use a modelling processor of some type or if you have an amp with a line/direct out (or even a headphone jack) you can use that.

You could plug straight in with an electric guitar but its not going to sound very good.


With my crazy new Alvarez Acousto Electric I just used one of the included mono-stereo adapters and plugged in direct. I'm sure it would sound better if I went through a DirectBox of some sort but it worked well enough.

If you insist on only playing through a Tube amp then this isn't going to be a good fit. But if you are willing to make a compromise in the name of silent practice then it's a real gem.

I'm the very proud owner of a Mesa Boogie ElectraDyne but in a living room jam situation I have no qualms using GuitarRig or the line-out on my Roland Cube 30 (or even iRig on my iPad).

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I have one, too, and it works as promised. It does what it says its going to do. I don't use it as often as I might, but only because I don't care to have headphones on when I play guitar. (Too many wires.)



Which leads to an idea I had for something else that needs to come to market.

A wireless unit that simultaneously handles guitar output and an in-ear monitor. I don't want to have to deal with 2 different receivers and 2 different body packs.

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Steve - Thanks for stopping by this thread.

My question to you is how is the guitar signal processed in a JamHub? Is it essentially like using a direct box? Would I plug my effects in line with the guitar then into the JamHub or is there an effects loop on each module?

I prefer to use my own effects rather than built in ones...


We built it with this in mind. Guitar players especially like the sounds they like, so use your gear and let the JamHub give you (and your band) control on how it is heard.


The JamHub is acoustically transparent from 20Hz to 20kHz so what you give it is what you'll get.


For the tube purists there are plenty of tube amps now that have a headphone or direct recording output. I use a Blackstar HT-5 an all tube head with a headphone jack. I know the new Marshalls have "silent recording" mode and several of the Egnator amps have a "direct recording" mode as well. There's also a Rocktron rack device that is tube based as well.


I use the tube stuff, Line 6 PODs and Roland Multi-effects pedals all with fantastic results. I've even mic'ed my 5W tube amp for a "low volume" JamHub jam. You've got a ton of options from very quite to kinda quiet to stupidly loud outside the headphones but in control inside the headphones (like at a recording studio). It's all good clean fun. :cool:


I hope that helps,


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just curious anyone adopted this for live playing yet? Might be useful in a situation where stage vol is a major issue.


Yes, we have had several customers tell us how they are using it live on stage, live at church and live as a mixer for powered speakers. Musicians are very creative with their gear as you know. :thu:



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Hey JamHubSteve, if you're still monitoring this thread I have a question for you about the USB out.

I can't seem to find any real info on it and I haven't gotten around to plugging mine into the computer yet but I'm wondering does it send a stereo signal to the computer or does it act as a multi-channel audio interface?

I'll probably be investing in Logic pretty soon and it would be great if this could save me from having to buy a new audio interface.




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Hey Kit,


Yup, I'm still here. The USB connection is a stereo stream based on whatever mix you create in the "R" Section of the JamHub. It does not add as a multi-channel audio interface as that would have added nearly $500 to the cost of the unit.


Remember, your JamHub GreenRoom is a 21-channel device. Each section, 1~6 plus the R section, has three audio channels. The mic input and the two instrument inputs (via the stereo 1/4" jack).


We have many customers who are using the JamHub with a multi-channel recording device though. Some split the signal before the audio I/O and some send the signals to the JamHub after the audio I/O. If you want to learn more head over to our forum (www.JamHub.com/community/forum/) and you can read all about it. For example, here is a thread called "Multi-track solution" where a few different audio interfaces are discussed, some are 8 channel, some are 12 channel, and I think there's a 16 channel in there, so you've got options. http://www.jamhub.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=252


Keep playing!


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Thanks for adding the review links! We have a bunch of review links on our forum in a thread called "Reviews, Articles and Awards" but here's a link to a recent one by KEYBOARD mag (we are honored to haver gotten a KEYBUY Award). Link to KEYBOARD Review


We've been very fortunate to have gotten a bunch of reviews and a lot of awards as well. We are not quite a year into shipping product and things are going well. We have a ton of customer feedback on our Facebook page in a photo album called "Testimonials from Around the World".


Good luck with your JamHub research and please feel free to ask any questions. Of course, I'd be crazy to not point out our website www.JamHub.com as a good resource as is our YouTube account www.YouTube.com/HubHed ... "HubHed" is our nickname for people who are into JamHubs. :)


OH, one last thing, there is a Pro Review here on Harmony Central as well right here. Harmony Central Pro Review Thread


Have a great day,


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Just a quick followup after last nights session. The whole gang made it so we got to fully test it out.

The gang consists of myself (guitar/vocals), Kyle (keys/vocals), Jason(guitar/vocals) and Eric(Bass).

Since we had the inputs available each of us that sings took 2 channels

I plugged my GIO (Mac Garageband/logic guitar interface) into channel 1 and my mic into 2. Jason was on channels 3/4, Kyle on 5/6 and Eric plugging into R(7).

Setup time was definitely a little bit longer as work all the kinks out and try to figure out the optimal placement of the mic stands and JamHub itself. Another session or 2 and we'll have the setup process down to under 5 minutes.

But once setup we had total control of where to place our instruments and vocals in the soundstage and for the first time ever I could clearly hear what everyone else was doing.

At the end of the session Eric (the bass player) remarked that this was the first time he could actually hear what we were singing which makes it much easier for him to suss out the arrangement.

Overall it was a great session and I have complete confidence that the JamHub is going to help me improve as both a guitar player and a musician and will definitely make our group tighter.


Next time I think I might change things up a bit and plug the instruments into 1-4 and the mics into 5-7 and start using the color coded bands that are packed in with the JamHub.


After we get dialed in a bit better I'll see about recording a couple of songs and posting them here. We're doing all covers at this point (and that probably won't change) but they aren't really note-for-note covers. We're basically taking songs with simple chord progressions and having one person strum out a rhythm pattern and sing while everyone else just kind of does there best to play to support the song.

Good times.



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... and for the first time ever I could clearly hear what everyone else was doing.

At the end of the session Eric (the bass player) remarked that this was the first time he could actually hear what we were singing which makes it much easier for him to suss out the arrangement.

Overall it was a great session and I have complete confidence that the JamHub is going to help me improve as both a guitar player and a musician and will definitely make our group tighter.

Good times.




I never get tired of reading stuff like this Kit. Band after band, player after player, it happens a lot. Thank you SO much for sharing your story. I hope it helps other bands to decide that a JamHub might be right for them.



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