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Whats wrong with gold hardware?

HC Hipster

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Looks great on many instruments. Its simply personal taste. I have it on maybe 50% of my builds but its no way as durable as chrome or nickle. It may be about the same for hardware painted black as far as durability goes. Black paint peels too. get a nick and next you got corrosion creep under the paint.


The oil from you hands is acid and will eat away at the plating so you need to keeps gold clean, or you'll be replacing the hardware regularly.


And whatever you do, never, ever get WD40 on gold hardware. It will bubble up and flakes off in no time. I've made this mistake and I know better. It happend when I was working on an instrument and grabbed the wrong rag. Bout a week later it was too late. You also need to keep machine oils away from gold plating too.


Other than that, The hardware for most guitars is cheap enough. By the time the bridge on my paul starts to look nasty, the saddels are worn and beat up so Its likely I need to replace it anyway. I got 15 years out of my last one. I've had the current one on there for 10 and it still looks fine.

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I agree with the others who have stated it looks good on the right guitar. My Les Paul Custom looks classy with it, in my opinion, which is the only one that matters to me.



Now that is hot!


I normally don't go for gold. It seems it is either amazing or horrible. Here's my only guitar with gold hardware. I've had this guitar for 16 years so it's no surprise that the gold is wearing away.



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