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Discovered them at 13 (I'm 40 now). Huge fan ever since. Saw Time Machine tour in Atlanta. Awesome show! Can't wait for the new album.

I don't know if the bonus material from the DVD is on YouTube, but the dinner scene (in which they agree that they want to do another project) is hysterical.

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Discovered them at 13 (I'm 40 now). Huge fan ever since. Saw
Time Machine
tour in Atlanta. Awesome show! Can't wait for the new album.

I don't know if the bonus material from the DVD is on YouTube, but the dinner scene (in which they agree that they want to do another project) is hysterical.



ahaha that scene was awsome!


"who's gunna clean up after the monkeys!?"

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who wrote the vocal melodies in rush exactly? cuz it said in the film neil peart sat around with a acoustic guitar writing the lyrics... which makes it sound like he wrote the vocal melodies/lyrics, and gave em to geddy lee to sing... sort of like a pete townshend/noel gallagher thing.... so then who came up with the guitar parts of rush songs? did alex give a simplified version of it to neil to write his lyrics/vocal melody to?

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I discovered them in '75 and have been a huge fan since. I've seen them 5 times (not enough). I was at the show that they took Turn the Page from for the Show of Hands live release. Hemispheres was my first show. They played Xanadu and I was blown away; I had not heard it until that night. I think they have many great releases but listen to Hold Your Fire and Grace Under Pressure more than the others, which is funny since some think this was not a very good period in their history.

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I hate to admit this, but the only thing that I really knew from them was the stuff on the radio and while I dug it I never pursued them.


I'd gotten into them a bit more the last few years, but after the documentary I have become a pretty big fan. Always thought they were good, but there were a lot of songs and stuff that I wasn't aware of. I also didn't realize they had such a large catalog.

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I hate to admit this, but the only thing that I really knew from them was the stuff on the radio and while I dug it I never pursued them.

I'd gotten into them a bit more the last few years, but after the documentary I have become a pretty big fan. Always thought they were good, but there were a lot of songs and stuff that I wasn't aware of. I also didn't realize they had such a large catalog.



That leads me to the only thing that bugged me about their appearance on The Cobert Report: They played the only song that most people have ever heard them play. There's so much great material on Snakes & Arrows that they could have done. I'm sure a lot of viewers thought "They're still playing? Oh, and they're still playing Tom Sawyer". They could have played something like The Way The Wind Blows and many people would have thought "They're still around? Oh, and they're kicking ass!".

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If they had kept the camera more on the band and less on people like Matt Stone, Trent Reznor and Sebastian Bach (
), I would have liked
Beyond the Lighted Stage
a lot more.

Still, if any band deserves more recognition it's Rush.

oh jesus, sebastian bach bus the hell outta me!! ugly {censored}er and i swear he's gotta be more then half retarded.... he even bugged me on his guest appearances on trailer park boys. hahaha, its just his voice i think if putrid

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I've been a Rush fan since the mid 70's. I bought the DVD a few weeks back and thoroughly enjoyed it. The highlight of the movie for me was when they were interviewing Les Claypool. Les mentioned that he first saw them on Tour of the Hemispheres. I immediately tried to score some "cool" points with my 15 year old son by mentioning that I had seen them on that tour. Les went on to say he saw them at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco and it was a religious experience for him. That was the same show I was at!! - Double (Triple?) "cool" points. I felt the same about that show - that it was truly an amazing performance. It was also the first big concert I had ever been at. Nonetheless, it is still by far the best show I've ever seen.

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They overlooked some things that went on in the 90's...like Geddy's solo project...but I suppose some things don't need mentioning.
I was really into the early stuff with their original drummer. It surprised me that he did most if not all of the talking when introducing the band back then.
Watching them laugh uncontrollably while dining at the lodge was classic. These guys are my heroes!

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who wrote the vocal melodies in rush exactly? cuz it said in the film neil peart sat around with a acoustic guitar writing the lyrics...



I believe you are mistaken. I could be wrong but I don't think Neil sat down with an acoustic and played brand new material that Geddy and Alex worked up. I believe he wrote lyrics with demo recordings, and they would pass them back a forth as needed to make stuff fit.

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I believe you are mistaken. I could be wrong but I don't think Neil sat down with an acoustic and played brand new material that Geddy and Alex worked up. I believe he wrote lyrics with demo recordings, and they would pass them back a forth as needed to make stuff fit.




Neil can't play guitar (unless hitting it with a stick counts).


Alex & Ged write the music.

Neil writes lyrics and drum parts.

Ged writes the vocal melodies.

All 3 of them edit and arrange.


Pretty simple and it seems to work well for them.

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