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I believe you are mistaken. I could be wrong but I don't think Neil sat down with an acoustic and played brand new material that Geddy and Alex worked up. I believe he wrote lyrics with demo recordings, and they would pass them back a forth as needed to make stuff fit.



im pretty sure a couple of minutes after peart was introduced they show him writing lyrics and he mentions something about strumming an acoustic guitar...

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This reminds me: I was in a car accident (Pretty severe one, was told I was lucky as hell to have come away with just some deep bruises, facial lacerations (Which bled like a stuck pig, but head and facial cuts are like that) and possibly a couple of cracked ribs.) I was wearing my Rush 2112 T-Shirt and when I was strapped down on the backboard, being in shock, I asked the paramedic riding in the back with me, "They're going to cut my shirt off in the ER aren't they?"

He said "They might. They usually do in crashes like yours."

I said, "{censored}, It's one of my favorite shirts, too."

He said, "I like that album too, but you gotta do what you gotta do".


All said and done though, they ended up not having to cut my clothes off and some Shout and Clorox 2 got the blood out. No worries.


My what a weird story.

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This reminds me: I was in a car accident (Pretty severe one, was told I was lucky as hell to have come away with just some deep bruises, facial lacerations (Which bled like a stuck pig, but head and facial cuts are like that) and possibly a couple of cracked ribs.) I was wearing my Rush 2112 T-Shirt and when I was strapped down on the backboard, being in shock, I asked the paramedic riding in the back with me, "They're going to cut my shirt off in the ER aren't they?"

He said "They might. They usually do in crashes like yours."

I said, "{censored}, It's one of my favorite shirts, too."

He said, "I like that album too, but you gotta do what you gotta do".

All said and done though, they ended up not having to cut my clothes off and some Shout and Clorox 2 got the blood out. No worries.

My what a weird story.





hahaha, this reminded me. i got in a bad cycling crash in a race a few years back, broke my collar bone, .. same exact thing, strapped down in the back of the ambulance "guys this is my favourite jersey you cant cut it off"... well they agreed not to and helped me out of it, hurt like a mofo but didnt ruin my antique alfa romeo jerz.

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