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Anyone watch Lemmy last night on VH1 Classic?


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It was like a two hour documentary on him, pretty interesting. The guy is definitely unique.


At some points I wasn't sure if I was watching an episode of hoarders or celebrity rehab, but it was in an interesting look into an icon without a lot of filter between him and the camera unlike so many other shows.

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Watched it on Icefilms awhile back, found it inspiring. Definitely hoarders/celeb rehab (minus the rehab lol). Lemmy is no doubt a real rock and roll fixture. What bothered me was it seemed at times the guy was talking {censored} at Lemmy like he had no respect.

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I watched in on DVR last night, really enjoyed the movie but it left me wanting a lot more than VH1 showed - guess I need to get the DVD. He is an interesting character and one of the last true rockers left alive. I was a Motorhead fan back in the early 80s but once Metallica and the rest of the thrash movement hit, they kind of got left in the dust around 83 or 84 time frame. I met him in LA once back in the early 90s, said hello and he obliged back. Was sitting at the bar at the Viper Room drinking by himself (was at a movie premier party for Airheads, met Chris Farly, Adam Sandler, Judd Nelson and a few other stars that night, was a blast).

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Was going to DVR it, then discovered that the show was actually this movie: http://www.lemmymovie.com/ - which is apparently still making its way around theatrical releases in the U.S., and is coming out on DVD next week. Decided I didn't want to see it with all the bleeps and ads, so I ordered a copy. He's a pretty hilarious & interesting character -- the Ace of Spades Classic Albums DVD is fun.



I met him in LA once back in the early 90s, said hello and he obliged back. Was sitting at the bar at the Viper Room drinking by himself (was at a movie premier party for Airheads, met Chris Farly, Adam Sandler, Judd Nelson and a few other stars that night, was a blast).



I "met" him briefly at a Motorhead show in '85, in this little club in Sacramento (the Oasis Ballroom, long since gone). He was just standing in the audience watching the opening act. It was too loud to have anything like a conversation, and I was a dip{censored} teenager who probably wouldn't have been able to think of anything useful to say anyway, but he was gracious enough to give me a handshake and an acknowledgement.


I wonder how he deals with no-smoking policies at the clubs he hangs out in. Do they just let it slide for him and suck it up if they get fined? I somehow can't picture him going out to stand on the sidewalk.

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From what I saw of Lemmy on VH1, uh, he lives in a rent controlled apartment that is loaded with lots of stuff.

Almost childlike.

Mumbles through his responses.

Is it the rum & coke?

Has very little fashion savvy.

Through it all, Lemmy sounds like a good guy.

You'd think he would be in better living quarters.

He should clean his apartment.

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I watched it last night. I thought it was great. It seems he keeps that apartment because he got it years ago and the rent can only go up a certain percentage. It's only $900 a month or something for an apartment on Sunset which is really good I guess?


I got the feeling that he was a really good guy. He is still definitely straight old school which is cool. I didn't get the hoarder vibe. Yea, he had a lot of {censored} and his apartment was cluttered up pretty good. I feel like that if I lived a life like his, I'd be keeping things from all the the good times and great places I've experienced. If he had a larger place, it wouldn't be as bad.


Regardless, good movie.

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