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Why doesn't Jonny Greenwood have a signature Tele?


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Neither is Tom Delonge or Billie Joe Armstrong.

Plus 'Paranoid Android' alone warrants it.



Yes and no - they're crtainly no virtuosos, I'll give you that. But what I'm talking about isn't about chops, it's about peddling the classic rock iconography of the Rock God brandishing his guitar like a weapon/phalic symbol. It's about using the guitar as a significant sign. Guitars are an important part of the rock star image that Delonge and BJA project, while Radiohead for all their outstanding guitar parts isn't a guitar band nor use the instrument as part of their iconography.

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Very well said. There's nothing I can argue with, add to, or take away from that, haha. But still make a JG Tele!

If I find one it's mine.

P.S. I listened to the clips in your sig, when you posted about the stock Baja/TS9/Roadster combo. How do you like the Baja? Sounds good.


Thanks for listening! Glad you liked it!! :D


I love the Baja tele, It feels and SOUNDS so much nicer than my '04 USA Tele (Stock). It just records so well. Those tunes were recorded with me panned Right on the Last Under The Sun tracks, and Left on the Police Bastard stuff, no reason other than that's how myself and the other guitarist would be arranged onstage live (both bands are the same members). All guitars are single tracked also.


Tuned to D (not Drop D), Tone rolled half way down, bridge pickup. TS9 with Gain: 12, Tone: 10~ Level 5 (all in 'clock' terms), RK on Ch3 Vintage, everything about noon...maybe the gain was a bit lower if memory serves me. Bold/Diodes with 2x6L6+2xEL34 setting. Into a Mesa Recto Std cab!


Really like the Tele/Recto combination, Can get some real nice solid tones. I think the single coils really help with the lowend flubbiness you can get with Rectos. Been using Ch4 Modern mode with an OCD drive recently...really digging that at the mo!

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WOW those got pricey. Partscaster time?


Should be more than doable.


The way I'd do it is with a Blacktop Tele. They have the route for the humbucker at the bridge, which is handy, and the 22 fret neck. That's what, $450 new?


Lace Red-Red is $90, Lace Blue is $50, and then you need a pickguard for a Strat neck pickup, which shouldn't be more than, say $30 or so from Warmoth or elsewhere.


The only thing that would be hard is getting a control plate with a hole for a mini-toggle. But you could easily just use a push-pull pot, and I've seen those Tele Plus plates come on Ebay once in a while, or you can drill one.


Altogether, none of this will cost more than $700.

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That's a good idea. The route I'm thinking of going is buying this used Roadworn 50's Telecaster from the GC down the street. It's pretty f'in sweet. Has a Duncan P-Rails in the neck (which is this: SHPR1-SET.jpg, the bottom one). Apparently it can do P-90, traditional single coil, AND humbucker when wired right. As it sits it just does P-90 and humbucker and it sounds baaaaaadass.


It has a GFS something in the bridge which I don't like because it's a little dark, and I don't think it's well made (maybe just a bad one?), because it feeds back under high gain. Ick. It would probably get changed to a higher output rails humbucker, which for all intents and purposes, could replace a Red Lace Sensor. It's set up with two push-pull pots, one for the neck coil split, and one for a tone control bypass. I'd wire it to split the bridge too.


OH, and it's got a SWEET 50's style U/V neck...nice and chunky. Not quite like my dream neck, the Esquire profile, but it's super comfortable and, 7.25" radius with vintage profile frets, so it fights back a little when you play it, but on the plus side, it's amazing for chord/rhythm work.


Should I?




Pics not the greatest but it's the 2-tone sunburst and the relic job, I have to admit, is pretty awesome. Just played it again today through a 6505+, the closest thing they had to my amp, and I think I need it.

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That guitar could be my this:




Relic'ed sunburst, maple board, single play white pickguard, and technically each would be a single coil neck and humbucker bridge layout.


Though you do have a point about 22 frets. And the exact humbucker/bridge pickup layout. I do kind of like a little bit of the Tele character in the bridge though... Great idea overall, though I LOVE the RW's neck profile. Decisions!

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Yes and no - they're crtainly no virtuosos, I'll give you that. But what I'm talking about isn't about chops, it's about peddling the classic rock iconography of the Rock God brandishing his guitar like a weapon/phalic symbol. It's about using the guitar as a significant sign. Guitars are an important part of the rock star image that Delonge and BJA project, while Radiohead for all their outstanding guitar parts isn't a guitar band nor use the instrument as part of their iconography.



I hear what you are saying, and to a certain extent, I agree but I'd absolutely put Greenwood on the 'iconic guitarist' list, esp for those folks currently between 25 and 35 or so.

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It would probably get changed to a higher output rails humbucker, which for all intents and purposes, could replace a Red Lace Sensor. It's set up with two push-pull pots, one for the neck coil split, and one for a tone control bypass.

I'm just gonna say that no pickup is anything like a Red Lace Sensor, and certainly not a Hot Rails. The Lace Sensor is a very unique pickup with a pretty standard tone but the dynamics are very different. It's got a very "EMG," hi-fi quality about it, but with a bit more grit. Lace Sensors have a tendency to get a smooth sound when driven, and the underlying chime disappears better than most other pickups, and it feels naturally compressed. That dynamic quality is not found in any other pickup in the world. I am not a huge fan of Lace Reds in my guitars but I use them in my short-scale basses and they are wonderful for that. But having had a Red Lace Sensor in the bridge of a Tele before, I can tell you that it definitely gets that buzzsaw Radiohead sound with the right pedal (think intro to "Airbag"), and nothing else, I repeat nothing else, gets it quite right. Back up on the tone knob and it gets the iconic Billy Corgan tone as well. The Blue in the neck is one of the smoothest pickups I've ever heard.


If you try to get that just by matching outputs, you'll get a good tone, but it won't be very Radiohead at all. The key is that the Red Lace Sensor is a very high output single coil, but a true single coil nonetheless.

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