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Super Champ XD or Ampeg Superjet Sg-12t?


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A Fender Super Champ XD or an Ampeg Superjet Sg-12t. I can't decide which to buy.


I don't think volume will be a concern for either of these (it'll mostly be a bedroom amp but also for small gigs). I haven't played a SCXD in a long time so I don't remember if it's loud, takes pedals well, sounds good, etc. Actually, I don't know if the Ampeg takes pedals well either.


Anyone have any experience with either of these? Which sounds better clean? Good for recording?


Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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50 watts is overkill for bedroom if you want any gain out of it.


I think the SCDX is a really nice recording amp actually, and a good bedroom and small gig amp. It takes pedals well and gets loud enough to play most music except for rock in a full band (anything where you are pushing the volume) unless you have it on a mic through a PA.

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I had a look at the Super Champ XD and wasn't all that impressed. I don't care for all the gimmicky digital effects it has. I simply don't need the confusion or hassle of playing with that stuff. All I need is Volume and Tone and maybe a little reverb. I'd rather have an old silverface champ. Even one of those new Champion 600 amps would be my first choice for a tube driven practice amp instead of the Super Champ XD.

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