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How much do Body nicks devalue a gibson lp?


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Is it all the way through, into the wood? Kinda looks like it but hard to tell. Regardless, those wine red studios are fairly plentiful so having a prominent ding on the top like that will probably make it harder to sell when the time comes. If the guitar is perfect except for that one nick, I'd offer something like $600-650 to start? Seems like I see people asking ~$800 in good shape, and ~$700 with some rash. You don't want to start too high!


Ahhh, just saw the "no case". Hmmmm...you're gonna pay close to $50 for a decent case so you might want to factor that into your offer.

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I think with all the relic'd guitars and artificially aged pieces, these things are whatever the buyer is willing to pay.

If it plays well and sets up to specs and your needs, it's a small detracting vibe.

Having said that, I look for the cleanest best playing model that I can get.

I'm not a big distressed fan unless the price is very right.

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Depending on where you are and how many lp studios are available right now I would jump on that anywhere between $500 and $600. Much more and you can easily find one without that damage for the same price or less.




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Would that be rapairable? Would it cost much to repair, do u think?



More than it would cost you in terms of price difference to find a pristine example. Of course if you have the means to do it yourself it is relatively inexpensive, but then you have to put in the work.

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