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Opinions on this Explorer


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I was in the guitar shop taday having a look around and generally killing time before an appontment I had, the one guitar that caught my eye was a Gibson Explorer 1968 in Classic White.




I am only a complete beginner at the moment, but sometime in the future I hope to get a new guitar and wanted opinions on this one. What kind of music do I like.. anything really, but I am a fan of U2 especially the earlier stuff, learning some of that is a goal to aim for in a few years so.. what do you think.

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The Explorer is a great guitar. It is a big body and may put some off for their first guitar though....believe it or not i find them quite comfortable sitting down and standing up. If the upper button is on the back of the body rather than the upper bout you may have to deal with a little rolling of the body but the overall balance is perfect. I foolishly got rid of my Explorer but they are by far my favorite Gibson model, although there are plenty of other brands that produce a similar bodystyle. Id say try and play one if you can before buying to see if its a fit for you. Even if you can only try an Epi or whatever, at least you can see if the overall shape and feel are for you.....But a Gibby Explorer ='s monster tone...and that model in white is mighty juicy!! Oh and being a fan of U2 im sure you know The Edge likes em too!

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You have good taste in guitars. :thu:


I played an Explorer (actually an Epiphone, not a Gibson) for the first time only a couple of years ago, and I was amazed at how comfortable it felt -- very well balanced, sat well, great playing position for my picking hand. On the spot, I knew I'd have an Explorer someday. I don't have one yet, but I haven't forgotten that first time.


If I got one of the 1968s, I'd put amber knobs on it.

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Thats not a real ,68 but a re-issue. Gibson Explorers have very good sustain but you need to be careful of the headstock ( its the weakest link) they tend to get banged up or even snap when stressed. They also have decent resale value.

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I used to think that explorer's looked stupid, until I played one and realised how comfortable it was and how great they sound :love: They are a very long guitar which can be a bad thing if you're clumsy (like me). Also the stock Gibson pickups are super hot which may not be your thing but they do respond very well to the use of the volume knob. In short, they are my favourite guitar : thu: Although I don't know where that "1968" comes from because I'm pretty sure they weren't made then? As far as I know, they came out in 58, were discontinued after a few years then made a comeback in 76...

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Although I don't know where that "1968" comes from because I'm pretty sure they weren't made then? As far as I know, they came out in 58, were discontinued after a few years then made a comeback in 76...



I thought so too, and I looked it up just to make sure. Apparently only 22 were made before it was discontinued for 17 years. Crazy.

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I thought so too, there was 1958/59 and some of those few may have been sold as late as 1963, production stopped and then started again in '76. I can't find any info on what this 1968 is supposed to represent and was hopeing someone here would have been able to shed some light on it.


A miss print should be ruled out as this model seems to be advertised everywhere.. unless Gibson's original "mail shot" had a miss print and no-one noticed lol.

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