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Official MAZI BEE MILITIA Roster! *****************

Mazi Bee

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we rock-out and play

thrash in evey way

anyone whos a cock,

{censored} YOU!

we bring TEH RAWK!

PFC GotBoostVR, reporting for duty

ROCK ON GotBoostVR! Your help will go a long way towards achieving our goal of GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION!

Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!



- Mazi Bee fist.gif

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Inject The Venom
I Pledge Allegiance to the Mazi Bee Militia
To stand strong For the masses and continue to
Open my Rockin' Windows and plow through neighborhoods
so that everyone can hear the Strength of the almighty Power Chord.
No Mercy for the bad if they want it
No Mercy for the bad if they plea

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Inject The Venom

I Pledge Allegiance to the Mazi Bee Militia

To stand strong For the masses and continue to

Open my Rockin' Windows and plow through neighborhoods

so that everyone can hear the Strength of the almighty Power Chord.

No Mercy for the bad if they want it

No Mercy for the bad if they plea


ROCK ON studdhuss! Your first mission is to go forth and KICK ASS and ROCK HARDER THAN you EVER have BEFORE!!

Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!



- Mazi Bee fist.gif

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Heretic and Jedi: Mazi is out on an important Mission to Save ROCK and will be by shortly to officially give you your stripes!


I have provisionally accepted your allegiance and you will temporarily be attached to the Militia pending stripage.





Punk Rock Expeditionary Force

Mazi Bee Militia

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Like I've always said, "If you're gonna rock out, might as well have an entire army rocking out with you."


Or maybe I always say something else, I'm not sure...anyway, add me to the list :thu:


PS: Does bringing the funk count as rocking? 'Cause if it does, then I rock twice as hard!

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Rock Will Save You. We Must Save Rock.


We need all the help we can get to make the world SAFE for ROCK N ROLL and to achieve our goal of GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!


All your names will be added to the list, and your first mission is to go forth and COMMIT RANDOM ACTS OF ROCK and KICK ASS AT ALL TIMES!!



Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!







- Mazi Bee fist.gif

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Heretic and Jedi: Mazi is out on an important Mission to Save ROCK and will be by shortly to officially give you your stripes!

I have provisionally accepted your allegiance and you will temporarily be attached to the Militia pending stripage.



Punk Rock Expeditionary Force

Mazi Bee Militia


BK, as always, my greatest thanks to you for setting the ASS KICKING, HARD ROCKING bar as high as you do, and for always being there for the MBM.




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Can I join too?

Well, that sig line about "Rock N' Roll for life" certainly looks promising! As is so often the case I believe Mazi is out in the HINTERLANDS saving THE WORLD for ROCK AND ROLL, because THAT is how Mazi ROLLS.

I myself am in rest and recuperation mode after a MISSION just last night, where it appeared I was the ONLY PERSON IN THE BAR who knew that "Pirate Love" was a cover originally done by the HEARTBREAKERS!

On the upside,the song was being ROCKED by 4 lads who weren't even BORN when that song was originally written and recorded. Which gave me GREAT HOPE for the next GENERATIONS of ROCK AND ROLL! PLUS, for the first time EVER I got a chance to SEE and HEAR the semi-rare ROBBEN FORD Fender GUITAR that one of the kids was ROCKING. BOTH guitarists had BLOOD STAINS on their GUITARS!

And, despite being a month from hitting the big FOUR-NINE, I was somehow CARDED buying beer. What's UP with that anyhow?

Your pledge to help SAVE ROCK AND ROLL is provisionally ACCEPTED!

Mazi will be by with your STRIPES!


Punk Rock Expeditionary Force
Mazi Bee Militia

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And, despite being a month from hitting the big FOUR-NINE, I was somehow CARDED buying beer. What's UP with that anyhow?

Your pledge to help SAVE ROCK AND ROLL is provisionally ACCEPTED!

Mazi will be by with your STRIPES!



Punk Rock Expeditionary Force

Mazi Bee Militia

I am hitting the four seven next week, and I got carded late last year while attending a Gary Hoey show. She thought I was about 30. No word of a lie, the hot looking bartender says to me, ''I've been watching YOU. Most of the guys come in here and play air guitar. You come in here, put your hand on Gary's monitor and get the place jumping. It's like you are almost praying.'' I said to her, ''What the hell did you expect? It's not often that someone like Gary Hoey lets you stand 5 feet in front of them and sail the same groove they are playing. Try doing that at an arena or a stadium show. It ain't gonna happen even if you are paying huge bucks.''

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I am hitting the four seven next week, and I got carded late last year while attending a Gary Hoey show. She thought I was about 30. No word of a lie, the hot looking bartender says to me, ''I've been watching YOU. Most of the guys come in here and play air guitar. You come in here, put your hand on Gary's monitor and get the place jumping. It's like you are almost praying.'' I said to her, ''What the hell did you expect? It's not often that someone like Gary Hoey lets you stand 5 feet in front of them and sail the same groove they are playing. Try doing that at an arena or a stadium show. It ain't gonna happen even if you are paying huge bucks.''


FELLOW MILITIAMEN, my brothers and sisters!


TAKE NOTE! WHEN your BELIEF is TRUE, your ROCKITUDE will be EVIDENT and allow you to CHAT UP potential target persons AT WILL! ROCKITUDINOUSITY can imbue YOUR VERY BEING with a LIFE FORCE ENERGY belying advancing years, or CONVERSELY, make you appear WISE and KNOWING if you are in fact a callow youth!




Commendations and salutations to you!


Over and out,




Punk Rock Expeditionary Force

Mazi Bee Militia

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FELLOW MILITIAMEN, my brothers and sisters!

TAKE NOTE! WHEN your BELIEF is TRUE, your ROCKITUDE will be EVIDENT and allow you to CHAT UP potential target persons AT WILL! ROCKITUDINOUSITY can imbue YOUR VERY BEING with a LIFE FORCE ENERGY belying advancing years, or CONVERSELY, make you appear WISE and KNOWING if you are in fact a callow youth!


Commendations and salutations to you!

Over and out,



Punk Rock Expeditionary Force

Mazi Bee Militia

Thank you indeed brother Krashpad. I should also like to point out a couple of other minor pointers for our students of Rock. Rocking out means arriving in time for the opening act and giving them a shot. You are a {censored}ing hippocrite if you say a band sucks without listening to them. If they do suck, then don't applaude their performance or buy the cheap CD. Intro yourself to the best performer out of the band and say you enjoyed what they did. If they rock, and have some potential show 'em some love. Noobs in the biz need that, and they will get better. Second, and most importantly, ALWAYS show some love for the bartenders and waitstaff. Sliding some extra cash toward a bartender usually means extra potent drinks. To the waitress/ waiter it usually means faster service. Above all, while rocking hard... be safe. Get a damn cab if you need one. I may save your life. :cool:

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Second, and most importantly, ALWAYS show some love for the bartenders and waitstaff. Sliding some extra cash toward a bartender usually means extra potent drinks. To the waitress/ waiter it usually means faster service. Above all, while rocking hard... be safe. Get a damn cab if you need one. I may save your life.

As a former waitperson/bartender/food service professional, I must AGAIN note the RECTITUDE with which P-Head speaks! Forego an extra drink and spend it on your tips. You will BOTH be BETTER OFF at the end of the night!

I shold note that after attending the show on last night's MISSION, I had a lovely repast in the student union, and that, just in case, my BICYCLE was in the back of the ROCKMOBILE so that I could return to my abode for the evening SAFELY if such was necessary!

Outstanding P-Head! Well said all round!


Punk Rock Expeditionary Force
Mazi Bee Militia

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