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Similar situation that one of our own is going through...


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Similar to Jarick's. I'm currently separated from my now-ex. Long story...basically, we were the happiest we had ever been, while we were together. It was long distance, so I figure get my rear up there to actually BE there for her when she needed me most, as she had been going through a lot. So, get this... I WALK the 165 miles to Lake Placid, no jacket, no food, and wearing several layers of clothing in 15-20 degrees! That alone should show people I meant well. I get up there, things are fantastic. I give her the most valuable thing I had in my possession, my HS class ring, as I just graduated. Little did I expect this, but after I was up there for 2 weeks, sleeping outside, she drops by the pavilion where I spent my nights. She slips something in my pocket, my ring i find out the next morning. She texts me saying that she didn't mean to end things like that, but she felt like she was hurting me ( i have no idea why...). From what I gather, she was seeing a few other people at the same time as me, and this included a few of my close friends. I told her to sort her crap out and I would wait, 'cause I still care about her a lot. I can tell that she wants to be with me, but she doesn't wanna hurt this other guy. I will wait, as stupid as that sounds, just wondering where to take this now. We still wanna be one, but I don't want her to cheat on him, as I fell victim to several times. Help? Sorry for the rant...



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Not exactly my thing... going wild. I wanna take it easy, in a way. I think I know that she DOES want to be with me, but this time away may be beneficial to us both if we do get back together. That is what we both wanna do from what she's told me. Yesterday's top exchange of the day:


her- "you're coming to my wedding. if i'm not marrying you, i still want you there."


me- "same. you WILL be at mine... just hoping that somehow its US and not another involved."


her- "things always have a way of working out"

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Wht she is really telling you is that she wants to keep screwing other people while you lay in waiting. You are the fallback guy in case her plans don't work out. She's already inviting you to her wedding... only GUESTS get an invite, meaning that you're gonna have to shake the hand that will be groping her later that evening. {censored} that!


Take my advise... move on. You're young. Even if getting wild and screwing your brains out isn't your thing, you're passing up opportunities to meet girls who DO want to be with you... imagine that!


I could never be with a person who puts me in second place until she's done getting her "fill".


{censored}in CHICKS!

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Dude, you lost me at " I WALK the 165 miles to Lake Placid, no jacket, no food, and wearing several layers of clothing in 15-20 degrees!"

She would HAVE to be the absolutly hottest, best BJ and lay on the entire planet, have the ability to spit silver dollars out her nose at will with no noticible effect on her appearence. That particular species is extinct now, unfortunatly for all of us males.

Plus, I would have to have been extremly high on top quality china white with a Platinum card with a $150,000.00 limit that my wealthy aunt was paying the bill for me on it.


Seriously though. Get a grip man. You are just a pup. There is {censored} everywhere and nows your time to get it. Bang her and leave. Better yet, bang one of her friends and move in her basement for awhile till you can find a place.


I know I sound like an ass, but live man. Don't get drug around by a nose ring ever, especially under 20. That's just crazyness.


BTW / OT- My third toe nail on my right foot finally feel off after the Halloween gigs we played in October. THAT was rough. Just glad I made it through it.



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I'm going to make this simple, if she was great and "the one" you wouldn't have to do this. There wouldn't be another guy, you wouldn't have to wait, etc... When it's right, crap like this doesn't happen. (Doesn't mean other crap won't happen, but she gave you the ring back and that speaks volumes.)

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Dude, I realize your fresh out of High School, but come on! You walk 165 miles (I'm taking this at face value, mind you. Thats a LONG {censored}ing walk...) in 15-20 degree weather (again, your obviously the last son of Krypton to have survived this), give her a ring, and she makes you sleep at a pavilion (whatever that is) and then breaks up with you. She texts you to break-up

( Dont people talk anymore?) which is {censored}ty, by the way.

Oh yeah, you think she might be banging some of your friends. But thats ok,because she's the sensitive caring type, and you think she really wants to be with you, but DOESNT WANT TO HURT THE OTHER GUYS FEELING...


But thats all cool with you, because someday you get to be the ex-boyfriend at her wedding. This only {censored}ing happens in the movies, kid. Never works out that way.


Look, Im not trying to be a dick, but you posted this, which means you want some feedback. Your wasting your time. Get your ass back home and go to college. Lots of girls there that wont require you to walk 165 miles to get your heartbroken

Also, with all due respect....Man up and drop this chick. She's banging your friends ( great friends you got there...) and taking you for granted. Take one of the others guys advice here and meet lots of girls.


No disrespect meant, but this is lame. Good luck:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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Thing is... I know for a fact that I will be her only {censored} til marriage... this guy lives in buffalo... i'm way closer. just trying to keep myself together and not totally screw up. thanks for letting me vent...any other suggestions?


Have you been her only {censored} up till now? If so, great. But it sounds unlikely.


Also, is the fact that this other guy is geographically further away from her than you really any basis on which to build a loving relationship? I mean, {censored}, you walked 165 miles for this girl! What makes you think he wont do the same? Goodness, she must be something else to elicit this kind of devotion.


My friend, what are you, 18,19 years old? Think about the 50-60 years of life you have ahead of you, and all the potential people you will meet. For you to devote this much time, effort and thought to a girl who (lets admit it) doesnt want you, is lunacy. Noble, but crazy.


You know what? Stay true to your word. High tail it out of there, and someday, invite her to your wedding. :)

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Similar to Jarick's. I'm currently separated from my now-ex. Long story...basically, we were the happiest we had ever been, while we were together. It was long distance, so I figure get my rear up there to actually BE there for her when she needed me most, as she had been going through a lot. So, get this... I WALK the 165 miles to Lake Placid, no jacket, no food, and wearing several layers of clothing in 15-20 degrees! That alone should show people I meant well. I get up there, things are fantastic. I give her the most valuable thing I had in my possession, my HS class ring, as I just graduated. Little did I expect this, but after I was up there for 2 weeks, sleeping outside, she drops by the pavilion where I spent my nights. She slips something in my pocket, my ring i find out the next morning. She texts me saying that she didn't mean to end things like that, but she felt like she was hurting me ( i have no idea why...). From what I gather, she was seeing a few other people at the same time as me, and this included a few of my close friends. I told her to sort her crap out and I would wait, 'cause I still care about her a lot. I can tell that she wants to be with me, but she doesn't wanna hurt this other guy. I will wait, as stupid as that sounds, just wondering where to take this now. We still wanna be one, but I don't want her to cheat on him, as I fell victim to several times. Help? Sorry for the rant...




Walked 165 for some piece of ass? Damn, despirate times...there had to be at least 10 chicks as hot or hotter than her, and obviously more "right" between point A and point B.


Anyhow, I think I smell a troll...

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Dude, I realize your fresh out of High School, but come on! You walk 165 miles (I'm taking this at face value, mind you. Thats a LONG {censored}ing walk...) in 15-20 degree weather (again, your obviously the last son of Krypton to have survived this), give her a ring, and she makes you sleep at a pavilion (whatever that is) and then breaks up with you. She texts you to break-up

( Dont people talk anymore?) which is {censored}ty, by the way.

Oh yeah, you think she might be banging some of your friends. But thats ok,because she's the sensitive caring type, and you think she really wants to be with you, but DOESNT WANT TO HURT THE OTHER GUYS FEELING...

But thats all cool with you, because someday you get to be the ex-boyfriend at her wedding. This only {censored}ing happens in the movies, kid. Never works out that way.

Look, Im not trying to be a dick, but you posted this, which means you want some feedback. Your wasting your time. Get your ass back home and go to college. Lots of girls there that wont require you to walk 165 miles to get your heartbroken

Also, with all due respect....Man up and drop this chick. She's banging your friends ( great friends you got there...) and taking you for granted. Take one of the others guys advice here and meet lots of girls.

No disrespect meant, but this is lame. Good luck:facepalm:


Some kids don't get it. Why don't they teach this kind of {censored} in school, instead of going over "art" - like someone can learn to be creative in a classroom...lol

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Thing is... I know for a fact that I will be her only {censored} til marriageQUOTE]



I know for a fact, she's been your only {censored}...ever.


There's no other reasonable, or unreasonable, explaination...actually it's well beyond unreasonable....lol


Seriously, man, if your not a troll, you need to hang this girl up and move on.:facepalm:

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I was in head over ass in love like that once... Slept in my car (84 ford escort in mint condish) long story short, I married er... That was 16 years ago, I guess I woulda been around his age... No younger...

BUT, there was no other dude, and I was asked to be there. no hints, no cryptic code to crack, actually asked, will you come over... So I went...

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Assuming this a real true story of which I have my doubts, dude, you sound like a stalker. I saw this program on TV last night about it. The ones that stalk people they know, think the other person loves them but "others" are keeping them apart. Sound like you dude. If she tells you by text or whatever to buzz off and gives you your class ring back, it's over. Get counseling. Be careful or you could end up in jail. I'm sure they have anti stalking laws in NY. Don't do anything foolish. Walk back to Buffalo and stay there. Root for the Bills, they need the help. I've been to Buffalo several times and there are a lot of pretty girls there. I even married one from Rochester and I never had to sleep outside in a pavilion to get her.


Good luck.

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