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Similar situation that one of our own is going through...


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First girlfriend?

It'll seem like there's nothing better in the world, but experience will show you otherwise. Everyone's looking for love, including women. Everyone's got it. There's plenty of single girls. Closer to you than lake Placid. At the very least, meet some nice (or not-so-nice) girls while she's got your buddies' dicks in her.

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DUDE! i'm sorry but if you were my son i would have to slap you around.
look man i'm 42 and this chick is not worth it,you walked 165 miles and she let you sleep in a park or whatever,slipped the ring in your pocket without waking you up to say good-bye. this is not a sign of affection,and she wants you to go to her wedding ,C'mon.
i would bet money that within 16 miles of your house there is a chick that has much more to offer. chicks are plentifull ,blow this broad off and move on.
i understand that the heart wants to believe what the heart wants to believe but you need to come to your senses.
i'm not trying to be mean and in no way offend you but you need to get past this broad. concentrate on you music and like was said earlier go to college.
only time will heal, it wont be easy but it will all work out eventually.
6 months from now you will look back at this and wonder "what was i thinking". now if i could only get my 18 yr old daughter to listen and think for herself. TRUST THE BROTHERHOOD!

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Move on. You are young (my age, but it sounds like I have lived more) Walk back to school, or fly, ride a bus, whatever, and meet a few new chicks. I say don't date for a while, but go out with a lot of people. Picking them up at their house is a creepy gesture at first, so, ask a girl if she would like to meet you for a cup of coffee, and then invite her to go ice skating.

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From time to time I recall the excitement of being young and dating, and wish I could go back and relive it. Then I read this from Audiomaster and I finally remember how much bull{censored} and high-drama it all was and I'm thankful to be done with it!

you sound like a stalker.

He TOTALLY sounds like a stalker. Maybe not on purpose, but definitely obsessed.

Audiomaster, you may think this is true love but I promise you, it's not. This is teenage, Paris Hilton BFF drama.

Walking 150 miles in the cold with no food didn't make you look like a man who cares, it just made you look like a nutcase.

She's either trying to brush you off gently, or she really has no clue what she wants (and at her age she shouldn't have to). Either way, she's not in love.

At this point, chalk this one up to experience and start walking home (or maybe try the bus this time). At 18 you shouldn't be dating anyone for longer than a month or two anyway. You're not looking for love at this point in your life, you're looking for experience so you'll know how to handle real love later in life. TRUST ME.

And get your ass into college!

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I'm gonna make this simple...and you're going to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

All of us have been there. You think we "don't understand" or "this is different." It's not. You and she are 17 or 18 years old. Neither of you knows who you are or what you want and even if you think you do, it's going to change 1000 times in the next couple years. You sound completely obsessed and somewhat crazy. That's not an insult...that's being 18. (Believe me.)

This is a clear sign that you think your life should revolve around someone else. Your life should be about building a solid YOU. So, build it. Meet new people. Play drums. Do whatever. Figure out who you are and years from now this will all seem stupid.

And for God's sake...stop walking long distances and sleeping in pavilions. All that makes you is a homeless nutbag. (And I mean that in the nicest way, of course.)

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At least Forest had an excuse, he was a {censored}ing retard.

holy {censored}, I read this and fell off my chair laughing.

Sometimes CEM, you absolutely destroy me with the simplest comments.

{censored}, that was funny:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::thu:

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back in oneida... didnt wanna come back, but woulda died up there... another thing i found out today, she was using pot since sept and lied to me there too...done {censored}ing around. took more {censored} than i should have. i wanted her, but she went and stabbed me tossed me aside when i need a hand. done... now the hard part, healing. should i stay outta relationships, or find another one soon?

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back in oneida... didnt wanna come back, but woulda died up there... another thing i found out today, she was using pot since sept and lied to me there too...done {censored}ing around. took more {censored} than i should have. i wanted her, but she went and stabbed me tossed me aside when i need a hand. done... now the hard part, healing. should i stay outta relationships, or find another one soon?



Troll. Gotta be a troll. Nobody talks like this.


"now the hard part, healing"?!


Oprah called, kid. She wants her vagina back:evil:

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i wanted her, but she went and stabbed me tossed me aside when i need a hand. done...



Happens all the time. Anytime one person wants the another more than the other wants that person. That's why you should avoid the drama.




the hard part, healing. should i stay outta relationships, or find another one soon?



Dude, you'll be over this the moment some other sweet thing looks your way. There's nothing to heal from. The worst you're suffering from is disappointment. Big deal. Move on. And don't get serious.

People your age should play the field. You'll have plenty of time later on for the long term serious stuff. And once you're there, there's no coming back.


I suggest taking your time.

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back in oneida... didnt wanna come back, but woulda died up there... another thing i found out today, she was using pot since sept and lied to me there too...done {censored}ing around. took more {censored} than i should have. i wanted her, but she went and stabbed me tossed me aside when i need a hand. done... now the hard part, healing. should i stay outta relationships, or find another one soon?

Kind of confusing isn't it? I'd try running 165 miles in sub zero temps nude with a boner,that' way you'll clear both heads :facepalm: The four Fs is where I'd start at your age,hell I don't even know why I'm responding,surely this is a friggin joke.

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This is an old story told yet again and again...and they call women romantic?

Anyway, anything I could add would be superfluous, but being a music site, here's a few words in song about this subject:


yeah, its a cheesy 80s video, but its a great song and the lyrics fit to a tee.


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I'm going to make this simple, if she was great and "the one" you wouldn't have to do this. There wouldn't be another guy, you wouldn't have to wait, etc... When it's right, crap like this doesn't happen. (Doesn't mean other crap won't happen, but she gave you the ring back and that speaks volumes.)




BINGO!! Believe it or not it took me until I was well until into my 30's before I fully understood this. If you have to "work" so hard to make things happen, it IS NOT a great and wonderful relationship!! You travel all that way and she doesn't offer you any where else to sleep beside the pavilon? (A Palvilon is shelter like covering over the picnic tables like you see at rest stops)


Also this "I want you at my wedding" BS is straight from "My Best Friends Wedding" Movies are not real life! Oh the great loves of our teenage years!, all the emotions and zeal for life and love! GOne is the thought of the real world or logic.......speaking of which:


In high school, I ran cross-country and track. At the end of my senior year I could RUN two miles comfortably in about 12 minutes (6 min. mile) SO, that would mean that in an hour, I could RUN about 10 miles in an hour. If I RAN 8 hours one day and 8 hours the next day, I would have RAN 160 MILES! That would have taken two days if I RAN the whole thing!


Now like the word-math problems from high school "how long would it take me to WALK the 165 miles?" and to do it without food or shelter? Unless this happened over a spread out time period.


So yes, 3 things: either she doesn't know what she wants, she wants you to want her but she doesn't want you. She totally doesn't want you but she likes toying with you. All of which say----- GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!! she is bad news for you. How the hell did you not sleep for a few days after walking 165 miles? no cops or other stopped you? How did you eat?? good luck dude!

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