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Sticks = $$$$


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This is what i use, Their as good as anything else imo.



i thought the same thing. went into the local shop and bought a few brands: firth (steve jordan's,) pro mark 7a, vic firth 7a and store brand 7a's. all lasted pretty well but the store brand. (jordans lasted the longest.) in fact, the store brand, i bought 3 pair and broke 1 stick at practice that night, then 2 at my next gig. i never break sticks like that, even 7a's. as it ends up, they were vaters. the local shop did nothing to make good. they said they would tell the rep. (i emailed vater and they made good by sending me a brick of sticks for free! i broke most of them already. no more vater! but good cust serv.):thu:

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i thought the same thing. went into the local shop and bought a few brands: firth (steve jordan's,) pro mark 7a, vic firth 7a and store brand 7a's. all lasted pretty well but the store brand. (jordans lasted the longest.) in fact, the store brand, i bought 3 pair and broke 1 stick at practice that night, then 2 at my next gig. i never break sticks like that, even 7a's.
as it ends up, they were vaters.
the local shop did nothing to make good. they said they would tell the rep. (i emailed vater and they made good by sending me a brick of sticks for free! i broke most of them already. no more vater! but good cust serv.)


you must have just gotten a brick of bad ones (since they were giving them to you for free) I use some vater night sticks and ive had them for about 6 years. i originally got 6 pairs and am now down to 5 pairs. out of the 6 years, I played daily for 3-4 years and I'm a hard hitter. So I think they must've just unloaded some crap to you to make themselves look good if only for a minute.

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these sticks are not bad for the money.......I bought two bricks a couple of months ago and I like them. Its a little hit and miss, a few in the sets are warped enough you cant use them but they are cheap, and the ones that are straight are as good as any.:wave:

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