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publicity 'stunts'


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So, like, I posted this in the 'music biz' forum, and it got me nowhere. Figured I'd try here and probably receive a better response....


Publicity Stunts-

I've found them to be helpful. Anything you can do to get inside people's heads.


A local band Now Is All You Have [niayh] seems to be doing well enough considering their young ages.


I used to see Now Is All You Have stickers throughout the area. Stop signs, bathroom stalls, trees...they were everywhere. Really, you've never seen a band 'wall paper the city' like these kids did.


Not only does their name contain a good message, but my boyfriend said it best, "When I was asked by a friend if I wanted to go see niayh, my first reaction was to say yes. It sounded very familiar, so I was pretty sure I liked them."


It turns out they really do make good music, which is important. But we wanted to listen to them because we felt like we already had.


What have you done to help boost the memorability of you/your band...



if you'd like to see my failed music biz attempt: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=2570610

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I dig it. Whatever they're doing now is working. I've now heard of them and listened to couple of their songs. They're good. I requested them to be my myspace friend!


But hey, you gotta do whatever you can to get your name out there if you're trying to "make it". Don't know where I heard it, but you gotta blow your own horn because no one is going to blow it for you.


Interesting response on the biz forum. It's easy to get famous but hard to write good songs. What?

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Old band, we set up at the local park and played for free to promote a show, till the cops chased us away..

I've spray painted roads, over passed, street signs, normal {censored}..

At the local festivals, we had the air brush artists make us a band shirt, and then had him hang it on his stand so everybody walking by could see it in front and before he left we went and got our shirts. Gave them away at the show.

We spray painted band name show dates on the side of an old mini van we hauled {censored} in. Would change it all the time, moving billboard.

Live near Ball State, and before all the school shootings n {censored}, we would just walk into the dorms, and stick flyers under the doors and pass 'em out.

We got local radio station to play us every hour and plug shows, the station was run by a band members girl friend.

High school parking lot, canvased the cars with flyers.

We carried a big plaid couch down the street to a busy road, and sat on it, with a big sign. Sat there awhile then moved to another road. Did that till we ran out of weed.

We called the area news papers and they came out on new years Y2K and took pics and put us on the 2nd page, big ol pic.. I still have it.. I think that helped get the name out there.

We named our band close to a fairly popular local band, their fans would come to see them but get us, they usually stayed.. It was on purpose..

We gave out free cans of meat.. No big deal, but people remembered it.

A lot of these were younger barely legal to drink days..

Now it mostly emails, FB, Myspace, CL, some flyers, local radio, and stuff..

Stunts aren't as fun when you go to jail for them..

You could always build a big balloon out of tin foil and send a neighborhood kid up in it..

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, got in a shouting match with Henry Lee Summer.. We did most the shouting though.. I don't know if that helped our cause.. Thinking about it now.. It was more like a bunch of douche bag kids yelling at a dude for nothing... Man I was a {censored} head..

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That's just great. :rolleyes:


Spray paint, litter your crap all over the place.


I'd much rather pay to go see you get your ass hauled in jail for littering or defacing public property. That'd be a great show, and more than likely a lot easier on the ears.


Play your music. If it's any good, people will tell their friends and come back.


(or if your music is {censored}, you could dress up like assholes ... worked for KISS)

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It's a double sided sword, but my band started a charity called GRIFFON LIVES LIFE. We've worked with two different groups so far (Massachusetts Advocates for Children and Youth On Fire) and raised $400 for the first one through sales of support bracelets at every show.


With YOF, we're collecting donations, playing acoustic gigs for the kids, and selling the bracelets. We do this because we want to either way, but the publicity we get because of it does NOT hurt. :thu:

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It's a double sided sword, but my band started a charity called
. We've worked with two different groups so far (Massachusetts Advocates for Children and Youth On Fire) and raised $400 for the first one through sales of support bracelets at every show.

With YOF, we're collecting donations, playing acoustic gigs for the kids, and selling the bracelets. We do this because we want to either way, but the publicity we get because of it does NOT hurt.



:thu: and it feels real good

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