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DukeofBoom, this is your intervention.


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My suckiness can be heard on a thread explicitly entitled,



Well, whoever said the recording was terrible is right. That was awful sounding. That's besides the point though. If that's the vocal style you wanna do, then you do it well enough. It's not great, but it doesn't have to be. There's little to no actual melody in that song, so you can get away with being raunchy. It's hard to sing well when there is no vocal melody to stick to. Honestly, you sound like you're borderline tone deaf and trying too hard. I think if you tone your performance down a little and pay attention to where the pitch is you'll get pretty easily. I'm in the same boat, so don't take my comments negatively. I do a yell-on-pitch kind of thing that, while not being Celine {censored}ing Dion, I think it works for me. I can harmonize and stay in key while not technically singing beautifully.


Really though, a terrible recording does you no favors. It's hard to really judge something when the recording is fundamentally very flawed.

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Sure I promote my stuff, I'm a musician, it's a necessary part of the business. I think it would be a bit crazy to release material and not let anyone on here know about it. As for posting free voice lessons from my youtube channel, yeah I'm a real jerk for doing that :-P.


I would've offered more specific criticism of your singing, but I thought that would be going off topic, which I thought was a faux pas in forums, but since you asked, here we go: Though you do need to work on pitch quite a bit (try singing more scales and arpeggios in a clean tone), it's more than just that. The growly quality you go for in your singing is a bit overkill. Since I see you're a fellow guitarist, I'll go with a guitar metaphor. Singing every note with that amount of growl is kind of like playing a whole show with your guitar going through a flanger pedal. Flangers sound awesome in small doses, but that sound would get really annoying for an entire show. If you attack the notes with more dynamics and vary the amount of growl, it'll sound a lot better. Also, your strategy of "plowing" through vocals is probably more of a detriment than anything. Vocals are about finesse, not brute strength. Pushing through vocals causes singers to overblow notes and leads to pitch problems. This is a common mistake though, and one that I often made when I was new to singing. Finding the just the right amount of force you need to acheive the sound you're going for without overdoing it just takes time, and it sounds like you're willing to put the time in, so I'm sure you'll get there. Just don't equate the amount of force you're putting forth and how much your throat hurts the next day with how hard you're working, as this can lead to both damaging your voice and arresting the progress of your singing technique (kind of like pushing down on the fretboard more than you need to just slows you down).


I hope you find my critique of your singing helpful. The intent of my first post wasn't to call you out as a singer or anything, just trying to illustrate a point about making a constructive criticism without being mean. People will appreciate your criticism a lot more that way.

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Hold on...let's focus on Duke!!! This is abot Duke and Mike's love/hate relationship with him!!! It has been said before, we are like a discunctional family here and Duke is the bastard stepchild while Mike is the Mormom uncle that wants to make it all better! Something like a sitcom and it is awesome to watch!


In Duke's defense, one does not have to the best on anything to offer advice, people can take it or leave it, who cares? Mike is smarter than most and knows how to get Duke sucked in to long winded threads like this where controversy can run wild! Both thrive on it! Mike and Duke need to get a room and sort {censored} out, or do it here in public...if you go to a room, get a camera so Chester Hoss can enjoy the show!


Oh...and Robby is still a dick!



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I listened to the file in the link you posted. The quality was total dog{censored}. Maybe I listened to the wrong link? In any case, don't get lippy with me boy. My lyrics, arrangements, recordings, playing, and singing are good. The same can't be said for you. Keep working at it. I can help if you want.

hell yeah it is

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I listened to the file in the link you posted. The quality was total dog{censored}. Maybe I listened to the wrong link? In any case, don't get lippy with me boy. My lyrics, arrangements, recordings, playing, and singing are good. The same can't be said for you. Keep working at it. I can help if you want.



dude, i dont know what you're talking about "complete lack of melody." it has more melody than "I cant sleep" and "white trash", where the melody scans about a fifth.


here's another one: http://picosong.com/cbN/

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I listened to the file in the link you posted. The quality was total dog{censored}. Maybe I listened to the wrong link? In any case, don't get lippy with me boy. My lyrics, arrangements, recordings, playing, and singing are good. The same can't be said for you. Keep working at it. I can help if you want.



Listen to Toy Dolls much? I love Toy Dolls but your stuff is stock, not that good...sorry...JMO



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I go to sleep for one night and when I come back, this has happened! What a long thread already…


I find Duke…interesting. I have absolutely NO issues with his feedback of songs and lyrics and vocals. I really don’t. Yeah, he doesn’t sugarcoat, which I like. He’s said to me that I sing too high, and I respect that and partly agree with it. He’s also said to me that my duet with Static, “Hallelujah”, the low parts I did were “awesome”, and that I think is damn cool and nice to read, from Duke especially, cause I know he meant it, as he doesn’t sugarcoat. I also know he doesn’t like and isn’t interested in my type of voice, but I can’t really help that. I can’t be Amy Winehouse! But that’s cool.


He gives honest feedback in the songwriting forum also, which is valuable. Obviously his own specific tastes in music will colour his feedback and attitudes, but that’s true of anyone I guess. It’s just that Duke’s personality comes across stronger than many others on here.


So did Robby’s…and YES, I can see why Robby’s comments can be very annoying and inflammatory a lot of the times, as can Duke’s.


Blah, blah…boring, old stale news now, to me.


My one issue with Duke is


(a) He called me a dog (this MAY or may not have been a joke. I took it was one, and if it was, that’s fine with me)

(B) He made disparaging and rude remarks about someone Robby had known who had died. This to me is always off limits, but not for Duke.


That’s the thing I think…Duke is fine by me 90% of the time. It’s that other 10%, that streak he’s got that really pushes him over the edge into major Duke territory that is the problem.

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(a) He called me a dog (this MAY or may not have been a joke. I took it was one, and if it was, that’s fine with me)






(B) He made disparaging and rude remarks about someone Robby had known who had died. This to me is always off limits, but not for Duke.



That's out of context. I first suspected he made the death thing up. Then it came out that he was in-love with this girl for 5 years or so, and she died. And he was literally in love with her hardcore for 5 years. HOWEVER, he never had sex with her, and she always gave him the "Let's just be friends" speech, which sucks when a girl you like tells you that. Yet he was still deeply in love with her for years.


So in turn, I had actually OFFERED to help him prevent the "lets just be friends" thing from happening to him in the future. He spurned my offer to help and went on his rampage that he is on now, twisting my words out of context.

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Ah, ok. I see...I actually don't know the whole story about that...it's a topic I'd never touch (death jokes, etc), but if you seriously thought he was joking or made it up, well...I still wouldn't have gone there myself, but alright.


I'm not gonna talk about that, cause as I said, I don't know the whole story.


I also realised my post above contained errors. I said my ONE issue was blah, blah and then said (a) AND (b), so that's 2 issues, and I also made the (b) a capital B for some unknown reason, and there was another wrong word in there too. My explanation is excess chocolate consumption at a work morning tea. I was drunk on chocolate and high on sugar.

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hahahaha, i wish i could have seen vardon's face!!!!!!!!!



Lol. You would have been bored, I had my usual sedate, slightly smiling face on. Plus, I've seen porn before, just looked back to make sure the door was closed and continued skipping through.

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dude, i dont know what you're talking about "complete lack of melody." it has more melody than "I cant sleep" and "white trash", where the melody scans about a fifth.

here's another one:



Yup, those two songs of mine are short on melody. But I can belt em out, and the recordings are good. Your {censored} is awful, so therefore your opinion is meaningless in regards to what I do. I was just giving you some constructive feedback, which is what you wanted, right?


This is what I was talking about earlier. Consider the source. Take it however you want.


I was trying to help the boy, but he got pussyhurt over it.

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To Duke, I would suggest that you take a look at the feedback you got in response to your post with your recording of Deep Down South and compare it with the feedback you leave. It would have been very easy to say some very harsh things about that performance, yet people were incredibly gentle with you in their critique of your singing on that recording. On the other hand, you seem to relish in trying to find the harshest way to express your opinion of other people's singing.



This pretty much strikes at the heart of the matter.


Thanks, that is really what I was getting at, but with the longer history I had a harder time being more succinct about it.

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