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Ive only been singing for a few years, don't know much about music thoery and never really "learned" how to sing. I just do it. Could one of you lovely singers give me some feedback on these 2 very short samples of my voice? One is 30 sec. long the other is a minute long. One is electronic the other alternative rock. If you have any thing to say that would improve my singing please do post. Thankyou!





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in Rush, it is too busy. whenever the big guys like oakenfold or crystal method have vox on a track, the FX and busy-ness of the synths are pared back A LOT. Also, the melody line (your vox) is too stop-and-start. It needs to flow more & provide more continuity.


with Red, it sounds {censored}ed up & like you are singing over your last vox. However, each take/overdub is successively more out-of-time and out-of-pitch than the previous. Was this a really bad comping job or something? If you comp, your takes have to sound more alike than dissimilar. this one is pretty bad.


i dunno, you have a lot more work to do, but im sure there is potential. you should listen to kidneythieves to get an idea how to mix female vox on rock stuff.

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Rush - the timing on the echoes should fit the beat of the song to be really effective. The effects are (as Duke said) to prevalent. Your pitch is off and you're singing in a key that is too low for your voice...


Red - the pitch is way off and is painful at the start (work on that high note). It gets much better later in the lower range.


What/who are you using to record your songs? Laptop ? Microphone? Windows Movie Maker? It's not very clear and takes away from the performance.

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lol. sweetsong. you need to chill out. Try not to take any of their comments personally. :)

I think your voice is not bad. You have a pleasant tone. Your voice and style reminds me those Indie/alternative band female vocals, kinda like the Yeah Yeah Yeah's and similar acts. But if you want more accurate, clear and helpful opinions, then I suggest you record a clip of your singing acappella, without background instruments. That way be can hear your voice more easily.

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I totally disagree, I think you're just disliking a different style of art than your taste, everything you said was opinionated and not factual or helpful at all.



as a matter of fact, I love electronica and rock when they are done right. Your 30 second clips are neither done right nor well-recorded.


You said yourself that you never learned to sing in your original post. I'm telling you exactly that you can't sing because your off-pitch and have severe timing-issues. If you work on those, than I'm sure you will be able to do better justice to the clips that you posted.

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When I started sing I chose radio songs that were easy and popular that I liked. They were easy to sing for me because they were in my range and I never had to scream or strain to reach the notes. I memorized the song melody so I could sing it perfectly just like the record. I listened to it like a million times. I practiced a lot (and learned to play guitar so I could accompany myself and get in a band). The desire to be perfect like the record was all I needed and it made me practice a lot. Playing in front of a crowd was incentive to be good so they would like me and not say I sucked. I never recorded myself but I could hear when it was right and when it sucked....

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as a matter of fact, I love electronica and rock when they are done right. Your 30 second clips are neither done right nor well-recorded.

You said yourself that you never learned to sing in your original post. I'm telling you exactly that you can't sing because your off-pitch and have severe timing-issues. If you work on those, than I'm sure you will be able to do better justice to the clips that you posted.



I am now 100% certain that you are a very ignorant idividual. I just did sing, but you didn't like it. I can sing, it's just not your'e taste. And you're obviously jealous. I have professional teachers and producers give me thier stamp of aproval before and Im not gonna let some negative person online give me bs.

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I am now 100% certain that you are a very ignorant idividual. I just did sing, but you didn't like it. I can sing, it's just not your'e taste. And you're obviously jealous. I have professional teachers and producers give me thier stamp of aproval before and Im not gonna let some negative person online give me bs.



Really! Are they all tone death? I get it...how much are you paying them??? People are giving you honest oppinions and you are acting like a douche, I'll be more direct and politically incorrect...


Your stuff sucks and I am pretty sure you did this as a joke to get at Duke...how's that?



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Really! Are they all tone death? I get it...how much are you paying them??? People are giving you honest oppinions and you are acting like a douche, I'll be more direct and politically incorrect...

Your stuff sucks and I am pretty sure you did this as a joke to get at Duke...how's that?




ahhhh, another hateful miserable person who has no taste...and no they wernt tonedeaf they were skilled professionals. = )

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Well this sure is a sour thread and person... I have no clue why you're so hostile sweetsound? Nobody was trying to tear you down as a person. As musicians yes we're attached to our work but like all things we should have a loose grip on it. If we don't then when someone criticizes our music we take it as a direct criticism to us as a person. Anyhow, please just see that some people have harsher language and if that's how they choose to be that's just how it is. You asked for "comments and criticism" and you got what you asked for. Fair and square.

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some peope just act really mother****** unprofessional. I have experince in singing becuase its a natural gift. And somthing that confirms that is professionals and producers agreeing with that...and thats just how it is, Ive got a low tolerance for harsh people theres no need for that.

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You've got a low tolerance for harsh people????? But YOU are harsh, sweetsong!!! In all my time on this forum you are the person who has given the harshest comments to people's singing clips. Absolutely harsh. And not just harsh, but RUDE and POINTLESS too. Words like "yucky", "boring", "find a new hobby"? That is just completely unhelpful AND harsh. And yet you say you've got no tolerance for harsh people? What a joke!!

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Little late to this shin dig, but what the hell :)


I am now 100% certain that you are a very ignorant idividual. I just did sing, but you didn't like it. I can sing, it's just not your'e taste. And you're obviously jealous. I have professional teachers and producers give me thier stamp of aproval before and Im not gonna let some negative person online give me bs.


All I get from this is that you were not interested in constructive criticism, you were trolling for compliments.


Duke and Ido gave some pretty even-handed criticism of your work (and on the money IMO), sorry if you did not like it but you did ask for it and then you {censored} all over them


Not cool.

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