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Home Owners: Rabbit in a hole!


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Originally posted by jbryant8159

So the siwwy wabbit outfoxed Ewlmer Tbroom!

Tha' tha' tha' that's all folks! [WB score plays]

Glad it came "out" OK. I would look into a way to cover the hole with a screen or something.



I've got the hole covered temporarily with a piece of plastic. I'm going to get a wire mesh screen and put it over the hole and then get the larger plastic covers that they make for the large opening.

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Trix Rabbit Readies Appeal

NEW YORK - Although surprised by the verdict of his June court case, the Trix Rabbit is confident of the outcome of his upcoming appeal against General Mills. It came as no shock when in late 2000, the silly rabbit filed suit against the cereal giant on the grounds of species discrimination. Though losing his initial case, the rabbit spoke to reporters confirming he would appeal the verdict.

"This has been going on for over forty years," said the rabbit. "It's getting a bit old." Since 1960, the Trix Rabbit has been denied the opportunity to eat Trix cereal, although his lifetime contract has him hooked as spokesmammal for the product. There was only one exception, in 1976, after a polling of consumers the Trix Rabbit was allowed one bowl.


"I was young and wanted to get into show business," the rabbit confesses. Having had a small taste of the forbidden crunchy fruit, the rabbit decided on legal action. "Screw the cereal. Give me the cash and I'll buy my own damn box."

Even competitors are behind the rabbit. Says Quaker icon Cap'n Crunch of the General Mills viewpoint: "This issue goes beyond corporate lines. I'm just glad I was drawn human." The sea-faring oat hawker will be testifying as a character witness on the Trix Rabbit's behalf, although General Mills lawyers are confident of discrediting him.

"We're not worried about his following," quipped Joseph Quisp, legal defense administrator. "Look at what he's got - a 'Captain' who's never served in any branch of the military and a bird who freaks for Coco Puffs like they're heroin."

The Trix Rabbit will be represented by the firm of Snap, Crackle and Pop, who feel that this will be the most important cereal trial since the 1979 Lucky vs. General Mills leprechaun bashing case. "We feel that justice is an important part of any balanced life," said Crackle. "The rabbit deserves some compensation for this blatant discrimination."

The appeal will be heard before the New York State Supreme Court at around breakfast time on October 8th.
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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

I've got the hole covered temporarily with a piece of plastic. I'm going to get a wire mesh screen and put it over the hole and then get the larger plastic covers that they make for the large opening.

Oh!!! so now you're going to suffocate the rabbit. :(

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

I'm totally dumbfounded.

I went back out there after dinner. Since it was dark, I asked my wife to come out and hold the flood light. I looked down into the well, and there was a rabbit staring back up at me. I'm thinking, "Damn, not another one!". I covered up the hole with a piece of plastic that I dropped down there so that the new bunny didn't fall into the hole too. I then scooped up the rabbit with a snow shovel after about 15 attempts.

I then proceeded to suck out the leaves and what not that had fallen into the hole before I covered it with the plastic. Much to my amazement, the rabbit that I had just shovelled out is the same one that was down in the hole. I measured the depth of the hole when I was done. That rabbit had to have made about a 36-48" vertical leap. There's no sign of the rabbit, so it must be him. I can't believe it.



Must have been knocked out.

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Originally posted by Jazz Ad

How comes nobody recommended a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to get the rabbit out

don't forget to count once you pull the pin:

"One,Two,Four!!...three sir...right Three!!!!";)

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I'll bet that rabbit wasn't stuck at all, just finding a safe place to sleep in. Rabbits are very good at climbing and he probably climbed right outta there. My parents always had a garden. Garden=Rabbits. They always had rabbits in there so they put up a 3 ft. chicken wire fence. The rabbits climbed the fence and everyone saw them doing it.

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Agreed professor. A rabbit could easily climb out of that tube even if it was 20 feet long. If it were trapped by the larger hole though, a simple board at a angle would have given him a out.

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if the rabbit was still in there i would give advice similar to this.... it was just recently the 4th of July.... go find yourself a left over quarter stick/m-80/explosive device of somekind.... light it and drop that sucker down the hole....
being burned by the fuse, the rabbit will undoubtedly try to get above the explosive.....
well... you can figure out the rest...

heheh.... i remember one time my cousin had a high powered pellet gun and saw this rabbit running towards my grandpa's garden.... he shot it right in the butt and it flipped head over heels and landed right on its back.... funniest thing ive ever seen :)

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Originally posted by bassthumpintwin

if the rabbit was still in there i would give advice similar to this.... it was just recently the 4th of July.... go find yourself a left over quarter stick/m-80/explosive device of somekind.... light it and drop that sucker down the hole....

being burned by the fuse, the rabbit will undoubtedly try to get above the explosive.....

well... you can figure out the rest...


heheh.... i remember one time my cousin had a high powered pellet gun and saw this rabbit running towards my grandpa's garden.... he shot it right in the butt and it flipped head over heels and landed right on its back.... funniest thing ive ever seen

You're MEAN! :mad: :mad:

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