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Black Dems pelt black Republicans with Oreo cookies

chris dax

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Originally posted by bassgeek

I probably phrased it poorly in my haste, but you seem to get my meaning. We are of one mind on this.

And it's a white guy and a black guy! Hey, rest of the world, are you seeing this?

PS. Craigv, you PErsonally owe me 2 acres and a mule, BTW......

You're getting jipped out of 38 acres my brotha

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Originally posted by bassgeek

I probably phrased it poorly in my haste, but you seem to get my meaning. We are of one mind on this.

And it's a white guy and a black guy! Hey, rest of the world, are you seeing this?

PS. Craigv, you PErsonally owe me (corrected) 40 acres and a mule, BTW......


nobody would know what to do with 40 acres and a mule anymore. What would be the new equivalent? McDonalds gift certificates and a mid 80s GM Sedan?


that would at least be useful

and a BIG +1 to the Allen Keyes post. I voted for him in the primary. Best Presidential candidate in a long time. But of course, people who are qualified for the presidency never actually get elected. That is part of the problem

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Originally posted by takeout

At least
performed after Katrina... HEY-YO!!!!

We don't want to open THAT can of worms (that was all the fault of local politicians but the blame was foisted upon the national republicans due to the liberal media) again. :eek: .....:D

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Originally posted by sheepdog


nobody would know what to do with 40 acres and a mule anymore. What would be the new equivalent? McDonalds gift certificates and a mid 80s GM Sedan?


that would at least be useful

and a BIG +1 to the Allen Keyes post. I voted for him in the primary. Best Presidential candidate in a long time. But of course, people who are qualified for the presidency never actually get elected. That is part of the problem

Actually, I believe it's a 1994 Honda Accord and a Taco Bell franchise, but who knows for sure............

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The issue here is racism and racists.

Racism exists in all races. It is not an excusive characteristic of whites in America. Racism has been around forever and it will be around long after we are all gone.

Anyone who believes it won't is naive and idealistic.

One can find examples of this in Europe, Asia and everywhere else.

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Originally posted by hawkhuff

The issue here is racism and racists.

Racism exists in all races. It is not an excusive characteristic of whites in America. Racism has been around forever and it will be around long after we are all gone.

Anyone who believes it won't is naive and idealistic.

One can find examples of this in Europe, Asia and everywhere else.



But for us not to do our part in keeping racism down would be negligent.

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Originally posted by bassgeek

Truthfully, because neither liberals or conservatives are one of the protected groups.

I do think this falls in the category of "black on Black crime"....... with a creamy white center!

It's a crime against cows.

I swear.

...well, I don't swear, but I'm pretty sure.

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Originally posted by hawkhuff

The issue here is racism and racists.

Racism exists in all races. It is not an excusive characteristic of whites in America. Racism has been around forever and it will be around long after we are all gone.

Anyone who believes it won't is naive and idealistic.

One can find examples of this in Europe, Asia and everywhere else.

But just because you can find examples doesn't mean it was or is as commonplace elsewhere as it is here today. It isn't a black and white kind of thing.

badum crash!

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Here's the link to the piece by Shelby Steele that appeared in the Wall Street Journal 10/26/05.


Not exactly on point with this thread but very closely related and touching some of the same issues...


I highly recommend this short article to anyone who hasn't read it. It's rare to read something that cuts through the race crap so well....


thanks everyone for your posts so far....c-d

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Originally posted by bassgeek

We all know the issue comes up every few years about the "B lack right to vote". It is an actual law on the books. It keeps getting extended, because there is no way the right to vote will ever be repealed. But I ask, why do they keep extending the law, instead of just repealing it, and put it the constitution that All citizens have the right to vote Period?



They did that. In 1870.


Amendment XV to the US Constitution


Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

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Originally posted by bassgeek

I don't know.... maybe someone who is really in office to serve the public, not to further their own agenda. Like I said before, though, this is unrealistic and impractical, and will never happen.



That mentality is why it's never going to happen. If people continue to be complacent and not give enough of a {censored} to work for change, then things will only get worse. The people that talk about how unrealistic it is to have an honest president (I'm not saying this is you) and that we should just be grateful that we live in such a great country are scared of real freedom, because it means responsibility. Of course we should be grateful about how priveleged we are! What I am most grateful for is that I can work towards making a difference, as well as speak my mind without being afraid of getting shot, and I take advantage of both. I'm not saying I'm perfect and I spend my share of time sitting on my ass, but I'll still attend a war protest and I'll still donate to organizations that are working for social change. I'll still read the flyers that people hand me or put on my car, and I'll still listen to solicitors from non-profits that come to my door instead of slamming it in their face. We CAN live in a free country, we just need to unite together and stop worrying about all the petty bull{censored} that creates these social barriers.

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I live in Maryland, about a 10 minute drive fron Baltimore City. Unless you get waaaayy out in the countryside, this State is sickeningly politicly correct. None of this really surprises me, but I'm saddened that these people can't voice their disapproval by some means more mature instead of throwing cookies.

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Michael Steele is one of the most articulate politicians in the state of Maryland, black or white. Verbally, he puts all of the liberal black politicians in this state to shame. He's highly educated, and if he tried, could easily succeed to become governor, and possibly someday run for president. He was one of the reasons Ehrlich won in Maryland, the first republican Governor in 40 years since Spiro Agnew. (sp?) I don't know if Ehrlich is going to win again (that's a whole other story, {censored}ing liberal Maryland politicians), but Michael Steele is one of the best men for any office of power. Certain people just don't respect him simply because he's black & conservative. :mad:

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