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For those that like bass solos...


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Originally posted by Zebra

To me, everytime I hear someone say that it makes me think there's a hint of "I want be underappreciated. I want to disrespect my instrument by not taking advantage of its capabilities. I want to take the simple, easy way out. And I don't like solos just because I couldn't do them if I tried, anyway." in what their saying.

I do want to be underappreciated.


I want to disrespect my instrument by not taking advantage of its full capabilities.


I want to take the simple, easy way out.


AND, I don't like solos just because I couldn't do them if I tried anyway.


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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

I do want to be underappreciated.



I want to disrespect my instrument by not taking advantage of its full capabilities.



I want to take the simple, easy way out.



AND, I don't like solos just because I couldn't do them if I tried anyway.



You have guts for saying that.

Me I just think that as many as 99,9% of bass players are boring when they solo. It might even be 99,95%. And since I don't think of myself as in the top 0,1% or 0,05% bass players, I'll practice soloing at home, but won't make an audience suffer just for me to be in the spotlight. Seriously, I'll do 4 bars once in a concert or maybe as much as 16 but that's it.

This also has something to do with why I hate most jazz-concerts. Not many instrumentalists, on any instrument, have enough ideas for more than, at most, three solos a night, and in some jazz bands they make it a virtue that everyone solos in every song, and that's just boring.

I do believe some instruments are better than others for soloing.

There are rare exceptions to this of course.

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Originally posted by Zebra

What is it with some bass players' grudge against solos? My computer couldn't load it, but I'm sure that guy sucked. Of course they'll suck if you pick them off that website.

To me, everytime I hear someone say that it makes me think there's a hint of "I want be underappreciated. I want to disrespect my instrument by not taking advantage of its capabilities. I want to take the simple, easy way out. And I don't like solos just because I couldn't do them if I tried, anyway." in what their saying.

:rolleyes: translation "i didn't watch it, but i'll criticize everybody that did and said it sucked" :rolleyes:
So no one here can do a bass solo?
If someone is jealous over that exhibition, they may as well sell all their gear; because like that guy "they don't have nor will ever get 'a clue'".

Nothing wrong with a bass solo...as long as it contains some element of music...the piece in question contained nothing of the sort.

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Originally posted by Zebra

What is it with some bass players' grudge against solos? My computer couldn't load it, but I'm sure that guy sucked. Of course they'll suck if you pick them off that website.

To me, everytime I hear someone say that it makes me think there's a hint of "I want be underappreciated. I want to disrespect my instrument by not taking advantage of its capabilities. I want to take the simple, easy way out. And I don't like solos just because I couldn't do them if I tried, anyway." in what their saying.

You should REALLY watch it before making such comments.

It sucks, plain and simple.

I see a lot of cocaine and booze involved in this clip.

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I found his use of atonal runs to be quite refreshing, and his attack was nontraditional to say the least. He borrowed not only from Bach and Beethoven, but also from more recent influences such as Chuck Rainey and Jack Bruce (in his solo period). All of these were woven together to create a tapestry of music that will remain imprinted on my psyche long after I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Did I mention that my work computer doesn't have speakers? That too.

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Originally posted by Zebra

What is it with some bass players' grudge against solos?

This wasn't a "bass solo" as much as a sonic abomination. I had to rinse my ears out with Draino after that.

Originally posted by Zebra

My computer couldn't load it

Looks like your anti-suck filter is doing it's job :thu:

Originally posted by Zebra

To me, everytime I hear someone say that it makes me think there's a hint of "I want be underappreciated. I want to disrespect my instrument by not taking advantage of its capabilities. I want to take the simple, easy way out. And I don't like solos just because I couldn't do them if I tried, anyway." in what their saying.

Look...some bassists can solo. Some can't. Michael Anthony can't.

P.S. Most bass solos suck and don't go anywhere. Just like most guitar solos :p I'm not a fan of random wanking. Jeff Berlin might be able to say something with his bass. But for every Jeff Berlin there's a legion of slap-happy wankers.


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Originally posted by bigfatbass

Sorry for the sound quality, but handicams aren't made for stage volume, lol. Short, fun, interactive, and in time (mostly!


I liked the solo, at first I thought it was just o.k. but it really got pretty sweet, and it sounds like your band grooves pretty well!!

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You should REALLY watch it before making such comments.



translation "i didn't watch it, but i'll criticize everybody that did and said it sucked"


Did no one read what I said? I said:


My computer couldn't load it, but I'm sure that guy sucked.


It's understandable though, unless your Einstein or someone it's hard to cath all those sneaky sentances.

My point was REGARDLESS it seems like some people have that sort of attitude towards bass solos in general for those reasons. Those things aren't necessarily true, but it always seems there's a hint of it.

C'mon people, I'm not even elaborating here, I said all this in my original post. You guys could have read it.

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Guys, Mike is a very good bassist...I know it's hard, but don't judge his whole skill on just the "airplane" solo he does to try to keep the attention of the 12 to 17 yr. olds at the arena.....he's a performer, and he's performing.
His bass playing, when he's playing bass, not airplane, is excellent, solid and totally grooving....

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