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some major crap went down today...


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plot synopsis: whole bunch of crazy fights and violence


so next week is reading week(first year university living on campus), and everyone's going home. wednesday and thursday night people wanted to "go out with a bang" before they go home for the break. like some friends of mine.


basically me and my friends sometimes hang out with some girls in another residence building. today my friend Drew was over there talking to one of the girls and getting back some DVD he'd lent out. as he leaves her room and walks to the stairs to leave this guy from that same building was dating an ex of his from a while back comes up to Drew and starts picking a fight with him, out of nowhere. Drew doesn't even know this dude. apparently he'd "heard Drew 'treated his girlfriend badly' when he was dating her...so he starts getting up in Drew's face about it. some beef to settle, beef that nobody had until this guy came up and invented it. Drew's sort of the wild guy in our crew, and if they were to keep on him he eventually would {censored} some {censored} up. still, he didn't get physical with him, only had a yelling match, and drew was kind of more on the recieving end. the guy eventually left and caught the elevator down. Drew figured the guy wasn't finished though, so he went back to Jen's room to use the phone.


so he calls my friend ken, and most of us happened to be chilling out in Ken's room when we got the call. this is like at about 1 AM. ken answers the phone to hear drew telling him he needed backup cause some guy was starting {censored}. everyone throws on a jacket and runs over to the other building(right next door). there's a bus loop between the two buildings though, and some more friends of mine had just gotten off the bus having been at the bar/club for the evening, right as we were running over to the other building. they come up with us, so now there's like 11 of us in total. i'm not even the getting-in-fights type, i was running over there thinking to myself "what the hell am i doing here? ready to get physical if the circumstances warrant? me?". so anyway we find drew and he's talking to the guy and there's like 10 or 11 guys backing the guy up. we didn't have any beef with them, we hardly knew most of them. so this random dumbass from the guy's crew comes up my my friend Nick and pushes him, saying he just wants to talk to him. he puts his hand on his shoulder as if he's going to say something, then kicks Nick in the balls! for no reason! he never spoke to the guy before! Nick is kind of the big brother responsible type guy, and he certainly wasn't looking to start any {censored} with anyone, but he's also sort of a cowboy and he keeps it real. he's pretty muscularly built and he'd been out at the club drinking that night. and did i mention he'd just been kicked in the balls? cause he did! he just POUNCED on the guy and started punching him, hard. we jumped in and pulled him off, much to his chagrin, and drew had finished up talking with the original {censored}-disturber dude. and we just sort of walk off with nick without saying much to those guys, and we head off for our own building thinking "guess that's the excitement for tonight. time to sleep". but as we're walking through a large hallway linking the residence with academic buildings(it's even called The Link) the jackass who kicked Nick is standing there with his crew waiting for us. he tried to act all nonchalant as if he wasn't really about to call Nick or any of the rest of us all on, but sure enough started {censored}-talking out of nowhere while we were trying to avoid coming in contact with them and walking around them. apparently these {censored}bags who we didn't know knew us well enough to know our names and what section we all lived in! so he starts walking behind Nick yelling more {censored} out and Nick stops right in front of a wall of mailboxes. i.e the whole wall is somewhat lumpy, and very solid steel. the guy started winding up to kick Nick in th eballs again, but Nick predicted it, and...




he punched him square in the jaw with his right fist so hard that, i swear it was a movie sequence...the guy flew up into the air from the force of Nick's punch and slammed into the mailbox wall. that punch also sliced his lip open on his tooth, which then came out. Nick let him have a few more, not quite so hard but not all that "merciful" either. we got him off and he didn't get any more physical for the rest of the night. in the mean time, some other random dude had started {censored} with my friend Dan, and Dan has forearms bigger than my thighs. dan took a certain amount of {censored} from him, not striking back, but eventually gave him a what i've come to call a "beating to go"...landed some a few solid punches kicked him away, and left while he was stunned. and if that wasn't enough, my friend donnie got {censored}-talked by some friend of the guy who was initially {censored} talking drew. donnie wasn't drunk, or stupid in general, nor were his nuts kicked, so he didn't want to get in a fight for no reason. he could have taken the guy though, i've seen him pull some poor kid who he didn't even know out of a situation where 4 guys were on this one dude.


the dons(RAs) and campus security got wind soon enough and came by to find out just what the hell had gone on. Nick had gone to bed and it turns out that one of the "gangstas" lives down the hall from nick and some of his "crew" who were in the fight were hiding out in there. we couldn't believe it! no wonder they knew all about us, they had an inside man! this is organised {censored} huh? next the the head don for the building and the 2 security guys talked to everyone at length, me included. you know, "getting the story". it was ridiculous. those guys came out of their room and started right up again being assholes in people's faces for no reason...with cops right there!


now i'm a witness as documented by the school staff as are most of my friends who were with me that night. this is crazy, people nobody seems to knwo are knocking on the doors to our section to get inside. we used to open the doors out of trust, but now, well, {censored}. really going out with a bang. tomorrow will be interesting.

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Wait, wait - someone got *kicked in the balls* and immediately hit back with a punch?


Your friend must have no testicles or something, because *no man* survives a kick to the balls. You just kinda feel your legs crumple, and next thing you know, you're in the foetal position whimpering and calling for your mother.

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Originally posted by seraphim7s

Wait, wait - someone got *kicked in the balls* and immediately hit back with a punch?

Your friend must have no testicles or something, because *no man* survives a kick to the balls. You just kinda feel your legs crumple, and next thing you know, you're in the foetal position whimpering and calling for your mother.




Your friend is hardcore!

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Originally posted by oldivor

I'm not the fighter type, but if you {censored} with my friends you're going to get a beating.



When I was younger, I hung out with 4 other cats one whom was entirely consumed with lifting weights and working out. Dude literally looked like a black hulk! 6' 250lbs all muscle! Occasionally we would get {censored}e from some punk arse cats and the minute my boy would walk in the room, you could literally see cats turn pale, shut up and walk away never to be seen again!

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Originally posted by bassesofalessergod

i wanna smoke weed with bikehorn.

from little bike horn collecting dude to big stoner!

aaaah yes. love college.

you know, i was just caught for smoking jamaican waterfalls in my room with my friends last week. the "authorities" took everything :(


well, actually, they forgot one of my pipes. plus i made a new waterfall for my friend, since i won't be sparking indoors anymore, as well as a popper bottle too.


as for nick getting kicked in the balls and reacting with a punch...i'm not sure how he did it. maybe he missed, or didn't get him that well cause you could tell he was reeling from getting kicked in the sack, but he wasn't keeling over like you'd expect him to....that is, if he was kicked as painfully as it looked.


finally got to bed around 7 AM this morning only to wake up 2 hours ago to find someone pounding on my door and a whole bunch of yelling going on in the hallway. this crap is getting out of hand! someone threatened my friend Ken with being shot...i doubt he'd actually get shot, but i'd like to see these mother{censored}ers get kicked out of school and if it's for threatening to kill someone, then so be it. so this random guy starts trying to get all tough with me right outside my own damn room for backing up Drew last night...i didn't even do anything except say "holy {censored}" when that guy's friend bounced off the mailbox wall and hit the bricks from nick punching him. i just told him to get a new hobby and closed the door. nearly closed the door on his hand in the process. too bad i missed, cause he wasn't done and went and caused {censored} some more. if i go home it won't be too soon.

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Originally posted by Duck Blues

least no weapomns where pulled on anyone.

oh yes they were. a couple of those mother{censored}ers brought beer bottles(actually, one of them was a 26er of Captain Morgan, actually...) and smashed off the ends in front of us.

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