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Israel sends 10,000 troops into Lebanon


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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

They certainly don't want to negotiate peace, and we can thank the ruse of Yasser Arafat for making us think for 30 years that there was hope for a peaceful solution. They gave that lying, two-faced prick the Nobel Peace Prize, while the whole Arab world kept arming it's proxy armies for Jihad. I think Israel should force Syria into using it's regular army to fight this war instead of having Hezbollah do it.


The Nobel Peace Prize, what a COMPLETE joke!

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Originally posted by Navybass

Israel did not break the cease fire. The Hezbos did that when they launched rockets in to Israel yesterday after the cease fire supposedly started.

There should be NO cease fires. They're nothing more than a ruse to re-arm & re-supply. Isreal should keep going.

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Originally posted by Navybass
This was our Commander in Chief, and absolutely nothing happens to him at all. What kind of message does that send to our military? Basically, it says that it's ok for the top man to do it, but not for anyone else. That's complete bull{censored}.

That's the real world, and it has nothing to do with Clinton. Those in power have more latitude. Yeah, life's not fair. Boo hoo.:(:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Navybass

You damn left wing crybabies need to move on with your lives and figure out what's wrong with your parties views and how to change it.

Says the guy who still rants about Lewinsky.:D

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Originally posted by Craigv

And here we have an exellent example of the kind of leadership we should expect from a Democratic Commander-in-Chief.



Abuse of power (if you want to call it that) is non-partisan.


There's so many significant things to criticize Clinton for -- Lewinsky ain't one of them.

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No, but lying about it to a national audience and a grand jury IS.

About Enron and WorldCom. . . I honestly thought that the top guys were just doing the Clinton shuffle - they learned from the master to ignore the truth and juggle the numbers. (Remember the one about "balancing the budget?" Or how about the one where all welfare recipients would get cut off in five years, knowing that a Democrat would not be in office in five years.) They got caught and put on trial with a jury of their peers - Clinton was not judged by a jury of his peers.

I cannot help worrying a bit about this Israel/Lebanon thing. Lebanon was going to help secure the peace when Israel evacuated the Gaza Strip. Who will help secure the peace now?


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Originally posted by bbl

Abuse of power (if you want to call it that) is non-partisan.

There's so many significant things to criticize Clinton for -- Lewinsky ain't one of them.



And it wasn't Lewinsky per se that was the problem. Presidents have been doing interns since there were presidents and interns. The issue and problem was what the President did when he was confronted with it. He lied blatantly, directly to the American people...he stood in front of a camera and denied having sex with her. Parsed and spun the words to death. This is not about having more "latitude" because of his position. Lying under oath is not part of that privilege. His second term was a complete waste of time because of the amount of time he spent with damage control as a result. If he really was a leader, he'd recognise that he could no longer perform the duties of the office, and get out so that someone else could.

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Originally posted by ezstep

I cannot help worrying a bit about this Israel/Lebanon thing. Lebanon was going to help secure the peace when Israel evacuated the Gaza Strip. Who will help secure the peace now?


Lebanon couldn't secure itself against Hezbollah/Syria, or refused to. I'm not sure they could have done much to secure the Gaza Strip.

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Originally posted by Craigv
And it wasn't Lewinsky per se that was the problem. Presidents have been doing interns since there were presidents and interns. The issue and problem was what the President did when he was confronted with it.

There you go. He's not the first to do it, only the first to be confronted with it. Why? For political purposes only.

He lied blatantly, directly to the American people...he stood in front of a camera and denied having sex with her. Parsed and spun the words to death.

And his poll numbers were still better than GWB's.

This is not about having more "latitude" because of his position. Lying under oath is not part of that privilege.

Yep, and therefore he was impeached. And the Senate voted not to remove him. The system works.

His second term was a complete waste of time because of the amount of time he spent with damage control as a result. If he really was a leader, he'd recognise that he could no longer perform the duties of the office, and get out so that someone else could.

The American people didn't want him out of office. You're in the minority, and the fact that you can't stop obsessing over it 8 years later means you've got a bad case of sour grapes. Just like those who complain about GWB's election victory in 2000.

The system works. Get over it.
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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

Who got Zidowned?

HinkyDink got bought and sold 3 times since he posted that.

I think misterhinkydink.

But I'm kinda lost in this conversation... I'm too young to have cared about most of what was going on with Clinton in the 90's, and we don't talk much about that decade in social class.

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Originally posted by Derek5272

I think misterhinkydink.

But I'm kinda lost in this conversation... I'm too young to have cared about most of what was going on with Clinton in the 90's, and we don't talk much about that decade in social class.



Yeah, I did astronomically more bong hits and drank way more 40's of malt liquor under Clinton than I have under Bush, but I've made alot more money and gotten laid alot more under Bush. Go figure.


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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

Yeah, I did astronomically more bong hits and drank way more 40's of malt liquor under Clinton than I have under Bush, but I've made alot more money and gotten laid alot more under Bush. Go figure.




I kinda meant I was only 12 at the end of Clinton's presidency, but ok.

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Originally posted by ec437

hmm *reads responses to the above-quoted post*

I do believe this calls for a


No, what's the point of arguing with neocon peckerheads who are pissed because their "commander-in-chief" lied to them about {censored}. I'd say you {censored}ers were pwn3d when you ate that {censored} up. You can all go back to your Mel Gibson thread.... :thu::wave:

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Originally posted by misterhinkydink

No, what's the point of arguing with neocon peckerheads who are pissed because their "commander-in-chief" lied to them about {censored}. I'd say you {censored}ers were pwn3d when you ate that {censored} up. You can all go back to your Mel Gibson thread....

I still say you got

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Copied from another forum...

A difficult lesson
When I was in the Navy, I once witnessed a bar fight in downtown Olongapo (Philippines) that still haunts my dreams. The fight was between a big oafish Marine and a rather soft-spoken, medium sized Latino sailor from my ship.

All evening the Marine had been trying to pick a fight with one of us and had finally set his sights on this diminutive shipmate of mine... figuring him for a safe target. When my friend refused to be goaded into a fight the Marine sucker punched him from behind on the side of the head so hard that blood instantly started to pour from this poor man's mutilated ear.

Everyone present was horrified and was prepared to absolutely murder this Marine, but my shipmate quickly turned on him and began to single-handedly back him towards a corner with a series of stinging jabs and upper cuts that gave more than a hint to a youth spent boxing in a small gym in the Bronx.

Each punch opened a cut on the Marine's startled face and by the time he had been backed completely into the corner he was blubbering for someone to stop the fight. He invoked his split lips and chipped teeth as reasons to stop the fight. He begged us to stop the fight because he could barely see through the river of blood that was pouring out of his split and swollen brows.

Nobody moved. Not one person.

The only sound in the bar was the sickening staccato sound of this sailor's lightning fast fists making contact with new areas of the Marine's head. The only sound I have heard since that was remotely similar was from the first Rocky film when Sylvester Stallone was punching sides of beef in the meat locker.

Finally the Marine's pleading turned to screams.... a high, almost womanly shriek. And still the punches continued relentlessly.

Several people in the bar took a few tentative steps as though they wanted to try to break it up at that point, but hands reached out from the crowd and held them tight. I'm not ashamed to say that mine were two of the hands that held someone back.

You see, in between each blow the sailor had begun chanting a soft cadence: "Say [punch] you [punch] give [punch] up [punch]... say [punch] you [punch]were [punch] wrong [punch]".

He had been repeating it to the Marine almost from the start but we only became aware of it when the typical barroom cheers had died down and we began to be sickened by the sight and sound of the carnage.

This Marine stood there shrieking in the corner of the bar trying futilely to block the carefully timed punches that were cutting his head to tatters... right down to the skull in places. But he refused to say that he gave up... or that he was wrong.

Even in the delirium of his beating he believed in his heart that someone would stop the fight before he had to admit defeat. I'm sure this strategy had served him well in the past and had allowed him to continue on his career as a barroom bully.

Finally, in a wail of agony the Marine shrieked "I give up", and we gently backed the sailor away from him.

I'm sure you can guess why I have shared this story today.

I'm not particularly proud to have been witness to such a bloody spectacle, and the sound of that Marine's woman-like shrieks will haunt me to my grave. But I learned something that evening that Israel had better learn for itself if it is to finally be rid of at least one of its tormentors:

This is one time an Arab aggressor must be allowed to be beaten so badly that every civilized nation will stand in horror, wanting desperately to step in and stop the carnage... but knowing that the fight will only truly be over when one side gives up and finally admits defeat.

Just as every person who had ever rescued that bully from admitting defeat helped create the cowardly brute I saw that evening in the bar, every well-intentioned power that has ever stepped in and negotiated a ceasefire for an Arab aggressor has helped create the monsters we see around us today.

President Lahoud of Lebanon, a big Hezbollah supporter and a close ally of Syria, has been shrieking non-stop to the UN Security Council for the past two days to get them to force Israel into a cease fire.

Clearly he has been reading his autographed copy of 'Military Success for Dummies Arab Despots' by the late Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt. Ever since Nasser accidentally discovered the trick in '56, every subsequent Arab leader has stuck to his tried and true formula for military success:

Instigate a war.
Once the war is well underway and you are in the process of having your ass handed to you... get a few world powers to force your western opponent into a cease fire.
Whatever you do, don't surrender or submit to any terms dictated by your enemy. That would ruin everything! All you have to do is wait it out and eventually the world will become sickened at what is being done to your soldiers and civilian population... and will force a truce.
Once a truce has been called you can resume your intransigence (which probably caused the conflict in the first place), and even declare victory as your opponent leaves the field of battle.
This tactic has never failed. Not once.

In fact it worked so will for the Egyptians in 1973, that to this day they celebrate the Yom Kippur War - a crushing defeat at the hands of Israel - as a military victory! No kidding... it's a national holiday over there!

President Lahoud has already begun to shriek like a school girl to the UN Security Council to "Stop the violence and arrange a cease-fire, and then after that we'll be ready to discuss all matters."

Uh huh. Forgive me if I find that a tad hard to swallow. He allowed Hezbollah to take over his country. He allowed the regular Lebanese army to provide radar targeting data for the Hezbollah missile that struck the Israeli destroyer. He has turned a blind eye while Iranian and Syrian weapons, advisers and money have poured into his country.

And now that his country is in ruins he wants to call it a draw.

As much as it may sicken the world to stand by and watch it happen, strong hands need to hold back the weak-hearted and let the fight continue until one side finally admits unambiguous defeat.

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Originally posted by J.

Copied from another forum...

President Lahoud has already begun to shriek like a school girl to the UN Security Council to "Stop the violence and arrange a cease-fire, and then after that we'll be ready to discuss all matters."

Uh huh. Forgive me if I find that a tad hard to swallow. He allowed Hezbollah to take over his country. He allowed the regular Lebanese army to provide radar targeting data for the Hezbollah missile that struck the Israeli destroyer. He has turned a blind eye while Iranian and Syrian weapons, advisers and money have poured into his country.

And now that his country is in ruins he wants to call it a draw.

I saw him interviewed on television last week. He could stand in his front yard overlooking Beruit at all the destruction going on and he publicly wondered "why" it was happening.

Then, with his next breath, he praised Hezbollah, saying that they are HIGHLY respected for the way they are defeating Israel. When asked HOW they were defeating Israel, he referred to the Seven Day War, and he commented how THIS war has already lasted more than seven days and that this was clearly a victory for Hezbollah! He was proud of them and admired them greatly.


EDIT: Unfortunately, I don't really think any other Arab nation will sit back and watch Israel beat Lebanon mercilessy. I think Syria will step in as soon as they think the Israli forces are spread too thin.

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