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Worst Star Trek episodes

The Aardvark

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Originally posted by Bluescout

I hated the one when they got in the internet and discussed which episode was the worst...


OMG!!! All the HCBF episodes were horrible!!! Remember the one where Lug got trapped in the Holodeck, and made himself the house band?:D

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Originally posted by bassgeek

OMG!!! All the HCBF episodes were horrible!!! Remember the one where Lug got trapped in the Holodeck, and made himself the house band?


That one was completely un-realistic. No spaceship could take that amount of suck. The earth can barely take it. Don't the writers know anything?

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Any episode with time travel. What really bugged me was just how damn often it happened. If it was that easy to time travel I think the continuity of the entire universe would be changing on a daily basis.



And I guess this doesn't count as a bad episode but can the fricking aliens that evolved on a totally different world a bajillion light years away look a little more different from humans than just pointed ears or a thing on their nose.

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Originally posted by Shuma Gorath

And I guess this doesn't count as a bad episode but can the fricking aliens that evolved on a totally different world a bajillion light years away look a little more different from humans than just pointed ears or a thing on their nose.



The "aliens have ridges" thing bothered me too. Couldn't they be a little more creative than that? I also agree that there should be more science in science fiction.

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Originally posted by Shuma Gorath

And I guess this doesn't count as a bad episode but can the fricking aliens that evolved on a totally different world a bajillion light years away look a little more different from humans than just pointed ears or a thing on their nose.




That's actually explained in a two-part TNG episode...


It can also be explained outside the context of the show with the theory that the bipedal predatory form (i.e., the humanoid form) is often at an advantage, and thus is the most common form to dominate an planetary eco-system...

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Originally posted by King Kashue

That's actually explained in a two-part TNG episode...

It can also be explained outside the context of the show with the theory that the bipedal predatory form (i.e., the humanoid form) is often at an advantage, and thus is the most common form to dominate an planetary eco-system...


Tell that to whales and dolphins ;):D

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Originally posted by mrcrow

there was one with sort of animated pancakes stuck to a ceiling on a ruined building on a unfamiliar planet..jim

i like old kirk and the gang and the wobbly scenery:cool:


hell it was on last night..nite..as i scanned over the sat progs...spock lost his sight..site..in that episode but got it back due to vulcans having nictating membraned over the optic nerve due to the bright sun on vulcan...

never knew that!!:D

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Originally posted by bholder

No, trick question - it's Captain Slog - Kirk's always talking to him at the beginning and end of each episode.


And often at the beggining of every TNG episode as well... The Slogs are a big Starfleet family, since they seem to occupy every level of the hierarchy, there's First Officier Slog, and Chief engineer Slog, and so on...


I wonder why we never see the Slogs on screen in any of the series...



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Any DS9 episode was crappy. One of the biggest draws for me was the exploration aspect. Having the "exploration" come to them at a stationary Bjoran/Cardassian outpost thingie was just.. pssh..


The order I like them:






Animated Series (snicker)


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Originally posted by lokidecat

Any DS9 episode was crappy. One of the biggest draws for me was the exploration aspect. Having the "exploration" come to them at a stationary Bjoran/Cardassian outpost thingie was just.. pssh..

The order I like them:





Animated Series (snicker)





Edit: I should have said what I usually say:




Have that man removed!!!!:D

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Originally posted by King Kashue

It can also be explained outside the context of the show with the theory that the bipedal predatory form (i.e., the humanoid form) is often at an advantage, and thus is the most common form to dominate an planetary eco-system...



That only goes so far though. Based on that you might expect something similar to the humanoid form to be common, but you would not expect all aliens to be identical to the humanoid form except for nose ridges. Where are the feathered ones? Where are the seven-eyed furry ones with horns? Where are the tails? Tentacles? Extra apendages? Where are the exceptions that prove the rule? In other words, where is the variety that nature loves so much?

TOS had the Horta, TNG had the Crystaline Entity and Tin Man but none of those were really characters in the show. Some interaction with those creatures was done but not much.

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Originally posted by Shuma Gorath

And I guess this doesn't count as a bad episode but can the fricking aliens that evolved on a totally different world a bajillion light years away look a little more different from humans than just pointed ears or a thing on their nose.



If we are to learn anything of value from "Star Trek," it's that the universe is filled with vastly different styles of foreheads.

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Originally posted by ThudMaker

The Way to Eden Episode Number 320

Synopsis: "A group of rebels under the influence of a charismatic leader take over the ship to travel to the planet Eden, teaching the crew about brotherly love and alternative music en route."

I liked this episode. Spock partook in the jam session and in the end the hippies were proven wrong. What more could you ask for?





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Who are we kidding??? There areno bad Star Trek episodes!!!


Some are great because of compelling stories, some are great because of silly costumes and bad special effects, some are great for the creation of amazing catchphrases, and some are great because of the level of scenery chewing.


There is something to like in EVERY episode, even if it's only the fact that you can make fun of it!:thu:

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Originally posted by bholder

"Lost Horizons"? What's that got to do with Star Trek? The pilot was "The Menagerie", with Captain Pike.



No! Lost Horizon is the pilot. Gene Roddenberry was in a bomber squadron that was based in England. One of the 4 movies they had was Lost Horizon. He watched it over and over. If you watch the movie you can see the uniforms of the people in Shangra La are the same ones used for Capt. Kirk and crew. Also the doors open with the identical peeuuu sound. There is even a Shangra La epsode of the original series to pay homage to the movie.

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